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This appliance is designed and made to prepare
coffee and heat drinks�
All other use is considered improper
This appliance is not suitable for commercial
The manufacturer is not liable for damage deriv-
ing from improper use of the appliance�
This is an household appliance only
It is not intended to be used in:
staff kitchen areas in shops, ofces and other
working environments;
farm houses;
by clients in hotels, motels and other resi-
dential type environments;
bed and breakfast type environments�
Read these instructions carefully before using
the appliance�
- Failure to follow these instructions may re-
sult in burns or damage to the appliance�
The manufacturer is not liable for damage
deriving from failure to respect these in-
Please note:
Keep these instructions� If the appliance is
passed to other persons, they must also be pro-
vided with these instructions�
Description of the appliance
(page 3 - A )
A1� Control panel
A2� Grinding adjustment knob
A3� Cup shelf
A4� Beans container lid
A5� Pre-ground coffee funnel lid
A6� Pre-ground coffee funnel
A7� Beans container
A8� Main switch
A9� Water tank
A10� Infuser door
A11� Infuser
A12� Coffee spout (adjustable height)
A13� Coffee grounds container
A14� Condensate tray
A15� Cup tray
A16� Drip tray water level indicator
A17� Drip tray
A18� Cappuccino maker
A19� Steam/hot water knob
Description of the control panel
(page 2 - B )
A number of buttons on the panel have a double
function. This is indicated in brackets in the de-
B1� Lights
B2� : button: turns the appliance on and off�
B3� P button to access the menu
B4� button: to perform a rinse cycle�
(When in the settings MENU, it acts as the
“ESC” button to exit from the selected func-
tion and go back to the main menu).
B5� Selection knob: turn to select the required
quantity of coffee� (When in the settings
MENU, turn to select the required function).
B6� aroma selection button: to select the
coffee taste
B7� button: to make 1 cup of coffee with the
settings displayed
B8� button: to make 2 cups of coffee with
the settings displayed
B9� button: to deliver steam to make hot
drinks with milk�
(When you access the MENU: “OK” button to
confirm the selection made)

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Andere handleiding(en) van DeLonghi ECAM23.210

DeLonghi ECAM23.210 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 22 pagina's

DeLonghi ECAM23.210 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 18 pagina's

DeLonghi ECAM23.210 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 18 pagina's

DeLonghi ECAM23.210 Snelstart handleiding - Alle talen - 7 pagina's

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