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Insufficient water in the tank� Fill the tank with water and insert it correctly,
pushing it as far as it will go until it clicks
into place�
The tank is not correctly in place� Insert the tank correctly and press as far as
it will go�
The grounds container (A13)
is full�
Empty the grounds container and drip tray,
clean and replace�
Important: when removing the drip tray, the
grounds container MUST be emptied, even if
it contains few grounds�
If this is not done, when you make the next
coffees, the grounds container may fill up
more than expected and clog the machine�
After cleaning, the grounds
container has not been replaced�
Remove the drip tray and insert the grounds
The grinding is too fine and the
coffee is delivered too slowly or
not at all�
Repeat coffee delivery and turn the grinding
adjustment knob (fig� 10) one click clockwise
towards “7” while the coffee mill is in
If after making at least 2 coffees delivery is
still too slow, repeat the correction procedure,
turning the grinding adjustment knob another
click until delivery is correct (see the section:
Adjusting the coffee mill on page 29)�
If the problem persists, turn the steam knob
to the I position and deliver water from the
cappuccino maker
ferentiated waste collection centre or to a dealer
providing this service� Disposing of a household
appliance separately avoids possible negative
consequences for the environment and health
deriving from inappropriate disposal and enables
the constituent materials to be recovered to ob-
tain significant savings in energy and resources�
As a reminder of the need to dispose of house-
hold appliances separately, the product is marked
with a crossed-out wheeled dustbin�

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Andere handleiding(en) van DeLonghi ECAM23.210

DeLonghi ECAM23.210 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 22 pagina's

DeLonghi ECAM23.210 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 18 pagina's

DeLonghi ECAM23.210 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 18 pagina's

DeLonghi ECAM23.210 Snelstart handleiding - Alle talen - 7 pagina's

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