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Below is a list of some of the possible malfunctions�
If the problem cannot be resolved as described, contact Customer Services�
The coffee is not hot
The cups were not preheated� Warm the cups by rinsing them with hot
water (Please note you can use the hot water
The infuser has cooled down because 2/3
minutes have elapsed since the last coffee
was made�
Before making the coffee, warm the infuser by
pressing the button�
Low coffee temperature is set� In the menu, set a high coffee temperature�
The coffee is thin or
not creamy enough�
The coffee is ground too coarsely Turn the grinding adjustment knob one
click anticlockwise towards “1” while the
coffee mill is in operation (fig� 10)� Continue
one click at a time until coffee delivery is
satisfactory� The effect is only visible after
delivering two coffees (see “Adjusting coffee
mill”, page 12)�
The coffee is unsuitable� Use pre-ground coffee for espresso coffee
The coffee is delivered
too slowly or a drop at
a time�
The coffee is ground too finely Turn the grinding adjustment knob one click
clockwise towards “7” while the coffee mill is
in operation (fig� 10)�
Continue one click at a time until coffee
delivery is satisfactory
The effect is only visible after delivering 2
coffees (see the section: “Adjusting the coffee
mill” on page 12)�
Coffee does not come
out of one of the
The spouts are blocked� Clean the spouts with a toothpick�
The frothed milk has
large bubbles
The milk is not cold enough or is not semi-
You should ideally use skimmed or semi-
skimmed milk at refrigerator temperature
(about 5°C)� If the result is still disappointing,
try another brand of milk�
The milk is not frothed
Cappuccino maker dirty Clean as described in the section “Cleaning
the cappuccino maker after use” on page 31�
Steam delivery stops
A safety device stops steam delivery after 3
Wait, then activate the steam function again�
The appliance does not
come on�
It is not plugged into the mains socket� Plug into the mains socket�
The main switch is in the 0 position� Place the main switch in the I position (fig� 1)�

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Andere handleiding(en) van DeLonghi ECAM23.210

DeLonghi ECAM23.210 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 22 pagina's

DeLonghi ECAM23.210 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 18 pagina's

DeLonghi ECAM23.210 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 18 pagina's

DeLonghi ECAM23.210 Snelstart handleiding - Alle talen - 7 pagina's

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