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Thank you for choosing the automatic coffee and
cappuccino maker
We hope you enjoy using your new appliance�
Take a few minutes to read these instructions�
This will avoid all risks and damage to the ma-
Symbols used in these instructions
Important warnings are identified by these sym-
bols� These warnings must absolutely be re-
Failure to observe the warning could result in
possibly life threatening injury from electric
Failure to observe the warning could result in in-
jury or damage to the appliance�
Danger of burns!
Failure to observe the warning could result in
scalds or burns�
Please note:
This symbol identifies important advice or infor-
mation for the user
Letters in brackets
The letters in brackets refer to the legend in the
Description of the Appliance on page 3�
Troubleshooting and repairs
In the event of problems, first try and resolve
them following the information given in the
section “Explanation of lights” on page 19 and
“Troubleshooting” on page 21�
If this does not resolve the problem or you re-
quire further information, you should consult
Customer Services by calling the number given
on the annexed “Customer Service” sheet�
If your country is not among those listed on the
sheet, call the number given in the guarantee�
If repairs are required, contact De’Longhi Cus-
tomer Services only
The addresses are given in the guarantee certifi-
cate provided with the appliance�
Fundamental safety warnings
This is an electrical appliance and may cause
electric shock�
You should therefore respect the following safety
Never touch the appliance with damp hands
or feet�
Never touch the plug with damp hands.
Make sure the socket used is freely acces-
sible at all times, enabling the appliance to
be unplugged when necessary
Unplug directly from the plug only. Never
pull the power cable as you could damage
To disconnect the appliance completely,
place the main switch at the back of the ap-
pliance in the 0 position (fig� 6)�
If the appliance is faulty, do not attempt to
Turn it off, unplug from the mains socket and
contact Customer Services�
If the plug or power cable is damaged, it
must be replaced by De’Longhi Customer
Services only to avoid all risk�
Keep all packaging (plastic bags, polystyrene
foam) away from children�
The appliance is not intended for use by persons
(including children) with reduced physical, sen-
sory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience
and knowledge, unless they have been given
supervision or instruction concerning use of
the appliance by a person responsible for their
Children must be supervised to ensure they do
not play with the appliance�
Danger: Risk of burns!
This appliance produces hot water and steam
may form while it is in operation�
Avoid contact with splashes of water or hot

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Andere handleiding(en) van DeLonghi ECAM23.210

DeLonghi ECAM23.210 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 22 pagina's

DeLonghi ECAM23.210 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 18 pagina's

DeLonghi ECAM23.210 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 18 pagina's

DeLonghi ECAM23.210 Snelstart handleiding - Alle talen - 7 pagina's

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