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The display of the parent unit will indicate the battery charge status of both
the parent unit and the baby unit.
battery indication baby unit
battery indication parent unit
battery full
battery 2/3 full
battery almost empty
parent unit: place it on the charger as soon
as possible to charge the battery. baby unit:
connect the adaptor or replace the batteries
(and flashing): battery is basically exhausted
and the unit can switch off any moment
As soon as the battery of the parent unit or baby unit becomes
exhausted, the symbol will flash in the display, the warning “WEAK
BATTERY” will appear and the unit will emit beep tones.
You can turn these beep tones off by briefly pressing the button.
When the baby unit is powered by the power adaptor, the
display will always indicate full batteries, whether batteries
are installed or not
The POWER indicator on the baby unit shows the battery status. As
long as this light remains lit, the batteries are OK. When this light
starts flashing, please replace the batteries or connect the adaptor.
The battery indication will scroll - - - while the
batteries of the parent unit are being charged.
With a fully charged battery pack (parent unit) or with full batteries (baby
unit), the baby monitor can function for 12 to 20 hours.
The times mentioned above are references only and depend on settings
and use (a higher volume, the night light being switched, how often and
for how long the baby is crying, the quality of the batteries, etc.).
When using adaptors, only use the supplied adaptors. Connecting
power adaptors other than the supplied adaptors can cause damage to
the electronics of the baby intercom.
In the parent-unit, you may only install a RECHARGEABLE battery pack
of the type Lithium-Polymer, voltage 3.7V, power 720mAh.
In the baby-unit, you can install any normal or rechargeable batteries
of the type AAA or pencil cell. However, rechargeable batteries must be
charged using a separate battery charger.
7.4 APRS (variable transmission power):
The DBX-62 is provided with the APRS transmission system. This
Automatic Power Reduction System monitors the transmitting power
at which the parent unit and baby unit exchange signals, ensuring a
minimum in transmission power while maintaining a 100% reliable signal
This means that the baby unit will never transmit with more power than
what is required for a good connection.
Only clean the baby monitor with a moist cloth; never use chemical
cleaners. Before any cleaning, you must disconnect the adapters.
Before cleaning, any connected power adaptors must be disconnected.

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