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The packaging of this baby video monitor can be discarded as waste
paper. At the end of the product’s life span, it must not be disposed of
as normal domestic waste. You must bring it to a collection point for the
recycling of electric and electronic equipment.
You must bring exhausted or defective batteries to your local
depot for small chemical waste or to dedicated battery collection
points. Never discard batteries as normal domestic waste.
The Alecto DBX-62/63 meets all essential
requirements and provisions as described in the
European Directive 1999/5/EC. The declaration of
conformity is available on the website
Frequency: 863 - 870 MHz
No. of channels: 53 (set automatically)
Baby unit power: power adapter: 6VDC 500mA (incl.)
Parent unit power: power adapter: 5VDC 600mA (incl.)
battery pack: LiPo, 3.7V 720mAh rechargeable
Transmission power:
25 mW max.
Recommended ambient temperature: -10°C to +50°C
Storage temperature: -20°C to +60°C
Warning tones from the
Baby unit won’t transmit
Baby unit is transmitting
almost continuously
No sound from the par-
Beep tone from the par-
Check the display of the parent unit, it shows
the cause of the alarm.
In case of ‘OUT OF RANGE’:
The communication between parent-unit and
baby-unit is interrupted. This interruption can
be caused by external interference, wait for a
while to see if the connection restores itself.
If this happens often, the parent-unit and ba-
by-unit may be at their maximum range, try to
reduce the distance between the two devices.
Possible additional checks:
check whether the baby-unit is switched on
check the power to the baby-unit
check the distance between parent-unit
and baby-unit, reduce if required
The bay unit is not turned on, also check the
power supply (adaptor or batteries)
The microphone sensitivity is set too low,
increase it (see paragraph 5.1)
The microphone sensitivity is set too high,
making the baby unit transmitting almost con-
tinuously, decrease it (see paragraph 5.1)
The volume is turned off, turn the volume on.
The volume is set too high, creating feedback.
decrease the volume at the parent-unit
increase the distance between parent-unit
and baby-unit

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