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Multitrack recorder that can use up to 32
GB SDHC cards
The R16 can record up to 8 tracks
simultaneously. For example, recording a
full band on individual tracks or multiple
microphones placed around a drum kit. After
making linear PCM recordings (WAV type) at
16/24-bit and 44.1-kHz sampling rate, you can
transfer the recorded files to your computer to
make use of them in your DAW software. You
can even connect two R16s together with a
USB cable, allowing you to record a maximum
of 16 tracks.
Hi-Speed USB (USB 2.0) audio interface
You can use the R16 as a Hi-speed USB (USB
2.0) audio interface that has abundant input
and output jacks. The R16 can handle 8 inputs
and 2 outputs at a maximum of 24-bit and 96
kHz, and its effects can even be used at 44.1
kHz sampling rate. The unit can also operate
using only USB bus power.
Usable as a control surface for DAW software
The R16 is equipped with functions that enable
you to control DAW software in a computer via a
USB cable. You can operate the transport of the
DAW software, such as play, record and stop,
and you can physically control fader operations.
You can also assign various DAW functions to
the R16’s F1–F5 function keys. (The assignable
functions depend on the DAW software.)
Various effects
The R16 has 2 main built-in effects—an insert
effect that can be applied to specific channel
signals and a send-return effect that can be
used like the send-return bus of a mixer. You
can use these effect in a wide variety of ways,
including during recording, by applying them
to already recorded tracks, and in mastering
operations like mixing down and bouncing.
Handles various input sources including
guitars, microphones and line-level
The R16 is equipped with 8 input jacks that
accept both XLR and phone connectors,
including one that can handle high impedance
signals and two that can supply 48V phantom
power. The R16 can handle high impedance
guitars and basses, dynamic and condenser
microphones, and various line level
instruments like synthesizers. It also has
two built-in high performance microphones
that are very convenient for recording
acoustic guitar and vocals.
Comprehensive built-in mixer features
The R16 is equipped with a digital mixer that
allows you to mix the playback of recorded
and imported audio tracks. You can adjust the
volume, pan, EQ and effects for each track
and mix them into a stereo output.
Multiple tuner modes and a metronome for
guide rhythms
The R16 not only has a standard chromatic
tuning function, it also has functions for
unusual tunings, including 7-string guitars and
5-string basses. The metronome can be used
as a guide rhythm while recording. You can
play the metronome sound through the mixer
OUTPUT jacks or you can send it only through
the headphones if you want. For example, in
a live situation you could send the click just to
the drummer via the headphone output.
Exchange files with computers and USB
memory devices
The R16 has a USB 2.0 jack that allows
high speed data transfer. You can transfer WAV
audio files recorded on the R16 to a computer
just by dragging and dropping. You can
also exchange files with a connected USB
memory device without using a computer.
Thank you very much for purchasing the ZOOM R16 Recorder/Interface/Controller. In this manual, we will call
it the R16. The R16 has the following features.
Please read through this manual carefully in order to understand the R16 functions effectively.
After reading it, please keep the manual along with the warranty in a safe place.
*Specifications are subject to change for improvement without notice.

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  • Graag zou ik een nederlandse handleiding willen van de zoom r16 en r24,en in de vragen te zien nog andere gebruikers ook.
    Als jullie ons daar aan zouden kunnen helpen zou dat erg fijn zijn omdat engels en duits niet makkelijk is in audio taal. best technisch allemaal.
    met vriendelijke dank. Gesteld op 9-2-2015 om 15:57

    Reageer op deze vraag Misbruik melden
  • Hoe kan ik een opgenomen track wissen? Als ik zingend een vorige opname wil overwriten dan hoor ik de vorige opname er hinderlijk doorheen Gesteld op 25-11-2014 om 11:49

    Reageer op deze vraag Misbruik melden
    • Hallo, misschien heb je ondertussen al je antwoord, maar hier toch mijn antwoord op je vraag. Als je een opname maakt dan wordt dat een file. Die file kun je wissen door naar 'project' te gaan. Klik dus op het knopje rechtsboven op de Zoom bij 'project'. Daar kun je naar 'File' gaan en dan kun je alle opgenomen files van dat project zien. Je kunt ze ook beluisteren als je niet zeker weet welke het is. Vervolgens kun je de file wissen. Succes! Geantwoord op 9-2-2015 om 16:05

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Zoom R16 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 100 pagina's

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