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Yupiteru MVT-7100
Owners Guide
Rich Wells - N2MCA
In an effort to better understand the operation of the Yupiteru MVT-7100, and to offer a valuable resource to
other people who may be using these wonderful radios, I wrote this owner’s guide.
It does not hurt that the originally supplied manual that comes with the radio is rather poor. Like many
translations from the original Japanese, the grammar leaves much to be desired. And, on the whole, the
organization of the topics is not helpful in gaining a useful understanding of the radio and how all the pieces
This guide goes through the operation of the MVT-7100 in a step-by-step process starting with the basics
and builds up to the operation of the more advanced features.
While I’ve never had the pleasure of playing with the MVT-7200, most of what appears here should apply to
it. Where there are differences that I know of between these two radios, I have pointed them out as best I
Feel free to make copies of this document and distribute as you see beneficial to the radio monitoring
hobby as long as it is done FREE of charge. I simply ask that this information be kept intact. A lot of hard
work and effort has gone into the writing of this guide. I would appreciate it if every effort is made to keep
this document whole with me as the original author.
If you would like to share your thoughts about this owner’s guide, have suggestions for its improvement or
have further questions, feel free to send me e-mail.
Happy reading and strong signals!
Rich Wells
Table Of Contents
Definitions &
Available Modes
Mode Operations
VFO Mode
Memory Mode
Scanning Modes
Search Band
Searching Modes
Search Pass Mode
Priority Mode
Other Features
AM Antenna
Battery Saver
If the radio is being used with standard alkaline batteries, do not use the AC or car power adapters.
External power should only be applied to the radio when it has been equipped with rechargeable batteries
or the batteries have been removed from the radio.
Even if you do use power in this manner with rechargeable batteries, leaving the radio plugged in
continually will overcharge and overheat the batteries. Both of which will drastically shorten their lifespan.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Yupiteru MVT-7100

Yupiteru MVT-7100 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 14 pagina's

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