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Monitoring of HF WeatherFax broadcasts is easily accom-
plished using the FT-897D.
Before proceeding, be certain that the WeatherFax demodu-
lator is properly connected to Pins 5 and 2 of the rear panel
DATA jack.
1. Set the transceiver to the VFO mode, and set the operat-
ing mode to “DIG,” setting Menu Mode No-038
to “PSK31-U,” as described previously.
2. Now, select the operating frequency of the station trans-
mitting the WeatherFax broadcast. Note that, in the USB
mode, the frequency you should program onto the dis-
play is typically 1.90 kHz below the station’s “assigned”
frequency. Thus for a WeatherFax station assigned to
8.682.0 MHz, tune to 8.680.1 MHz.
3. When the WeatherFax broadcast begins, no further op-
erator intervention should be needed from the transceiver
standpoint. The audio level from the DATA jack on the
rear of the transceiver is fixed, and cannot be adjusted.
4. Fine adjustments in the gray-scale and the frame align-
ment are accomplished using the computer and software
connected to your WeatherFax demodulator.
Most often used on FM, the transmitters Time-Out Timer
(TOT) feature disables the transmitter after a user-defined
period of transmission. This feature may be useful in pre-
venting a “stuck microphone” (accidental closure of the PTT
switch) from causing interference to other users, and it will
also force you to keep your transmissions short, thereby
conserving battery power.
To activate the Time-Out Timer:
1. Press and hold in the
key for one second to enter the
Menu mode.
2. Rotate the MEM/VFO CH knob to recall Menu Mode
The default setting for this feature is “OFF.” Rotate the
DIAL knob to set a new time-out setting (from 1 minute
to 20 minutes).
3. When you have made your selection, press and hold in
key for one second to save the new setting and
exit to normal operation.
This transceiver provides convenient split-frequency opera-
tion, using the VFO-A and VFO-B, for DX working and
other operating situations requiring unique split frequency
The example below will describe a typical split-frequency
DX situation on the 20-meter band, with a DX station trans-
mitting on 14.025 MHz, listening 10 kHz higher in the band.
1. Set VFO-A to 14.035.00 MHz CW (DX station’s listen-
ing frequency).
2. Press the
key momentarily, then rotate the MEM/
VFO CH knob, as needed, until Multi Function Row
appears on the display.
3. Press the
key momentarily to select VFO-B.
4. Tune the VFO-B frequency to 14.025.00 MHz (DX
station’s transmitting frequency).
5. Press the
key momentarily. The transceiver will
now transmit using the VFO-A frequency, and will re-
ceive using the VFO-B frequency.
“Parentheses” will appear on the both sides of the “SPL
indication, and the “SPL” icon will appear at the upper
left corner of the display.
6. To listen to the pile-up calling the DX station (so as to
align your frequency more closely to that of the station
being worked by the DX), press the
key to re-
verse the VFOs. You will now be tuning in the vicinity
of 14.035 MHz, and you can zero in on the DX station’s
listening frequency by tuning in on the station in QSO
with the DX. Press the
key again to return to
reception on the DX station’s frequency.
7. Press the
key once more to cancel split opera-
tion; the “Parentheses” and “SPL” icon will disappear
from the display.

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