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To reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, or injury to persons when using the dryer, follow basic
precautions, including the following:
Read all instructions before using the dryer.
Gas dryers should only be installed in a room if the
room meets the appropriate ventilation requirements
specified in the national installation regulations. Make
sure the room containing the dryer has an adequate
air supply for gas combustion and/or drying
operation. A window or equivalent means of
ventilation must be opened in the room when the
dryer is in use (an equivalent form of opening
includes an adjustable louvre, hinged panel, or
other means of ventilation that opens directly to
outside air).
Keep a minimum clearance of 10 cm (4 in.) between
the rear of the dryer and any wall.
The operation of this appliance may affect the
operation of other types of gas appliances which take
their air supply for safe combustion from the same
room. There has to be adequate ventilation to replace
exhausted air and thus avoid the back-flow of gases
into the room from appliances burning other fuels,
including open fires, when operating the tumble
dryer. If in doubt, consult the appliance
Do not obstruct the air supply to the dryer (see
Installation Instructions for minimum clearances).
Do not place items exposed to cooking oils in your
dryer. Items contaminated with cooking oils may
contribute to a chemical reaction that could cause a
load to catch fire.
Do not dry articles that have been previously cleaned
in, washed in, soaked in, or spotted with gasoline,
dry-cleaning solvents, cooking oils, or other
flammable, or explosive substances as they give off
vapours that could ignite or explode.
Do not allow children to play on or in the dryer. Close
supervision of children is necessary when the dryer is
used near children.
Before the dryer is removed from service or
discarded, remove the doors to the drying
Do not reach into the dryer if the drum is moving. A
door switch is fitted for your safety.
Do not install or store the dryer where it will be
exposed to the weather.
Do not tamper with controls.
Do not continue to use this appliance if it appears to
be faulty.
Do not repair or replace any part of the dryer or
attempt any maintenance unless specifically
recommended in this Use and Care Guide. Repairs
and servicing should only be carried out by
competent service personnel.
Do not use fabric softeners or products to eliminate
static unless recommended by the manufacturer of
the fabric softener or product.
Do not use heat to dry articles containing foam
rubber or similarly textured rubber-like materials.
Always use the cool-down period at end of drying
cycle to avoid a heat build-up in stored clothes.
Clean dryer lint screen before or after each load. Do
not operate dryer without lint screen in place.
Keep area around the exhaust and inlet openings
and adjacent surrounding areas free from the
accumulation of lint, dust, and dirt.
The interior of the dryer and exhaust vent should be
cleaned periodically by qualified service personnel.
See Installation Instructions for earthing instructions.
If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by
the manufacturer or its service agent or a similarly
qualified person in order to avoid a hazard.

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Whirlpool AWZ 481 E Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 4 pagina's

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