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Is the dryer located in a room with temperature below
7ºC (45ºF)?
Proper operation of dryer cycles requires temperatures above
7ºC (45ºF).
Is the dryer located in a closet?
Closet doors must have ventilation openings at the top and
bottom of the door. The rear of the dryer requires 14 cm (5½")
of airspace, and 2.5 cm (1") is recommended for the sides
and front of the dryer. See the Installation Instructions.
Has an air dry cycle been selected?
Select the right cycle for the types of garments being dried.
See Cycles.
Is the load too large and heavy to dry quickly?
Separate the load to tumble freely.
Lint on load
Is the lint screen clogged?
Lint screen should be cleaned before each load.
Stains on load or drum
Was dryer fabric softener properly used?
Add dryer fabric softener sheets at the beginning of the cycle.
Fabric softener sheets added to a partially dried load can
stain your garments.
Drum stains are caused by dyes in clothing (usually blue
jeans). This will not transfer to other clothing.
Loads are wrinkled
Was the load removed from dryer at the end of the cycle?
Was the dryer overloaded?
Dry smaller loads that can tumble freely.
Have you recently been painting, staining or varnishing in
the area where your dryer is located?
If so, ventilate the area. When the odors or fumes are gone
from the area, rewash and dry the clothing.
Is the dryer being used for the first time?
The new electric heating element may have an odor. The odor
will be gone after the first cycle.
Before calling for assistance or service, please check the
Troubleshooting section. It may save you the cost of a service
call. If you still need help, follow these instructions.
If you need assistance or service
If your problem is not due to any of the items listed in the
Troubleshooting section, contact the dealer from whom you
purchased the dryer, or a designated Whirlpool service company.
When calling, please know the purchase date, and the complete
model and serial number of your appliance. This information will
help us better respond to your request.
For further assistance
If you need further assistance, you can write or call with any
questions or concerns at:
Whirlpool UK Ltd.
209 Purley Way
Telephone: 0208 649 5000
Explosion Hazard
Keep flammable materials and vapors, such as
gasoline, away from dryer.
Place dryer at least 18 inches (46 cm) above the floor
for a garage installation.
Failure to do so can result in death, explosion, or fire.

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Whirlpool AWZ 481 E Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 4 pagina's

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