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1993 Volvo 240
11. All fluid levels.
Cold weather/Engine fuel system
During the winter, large variations in temperature cause condensation to form in the fuel tank and can
impair the running of the engine. This can be reduced by adding dry gas to the fuel. There is less risk of
condensation forming in the fuel tank if it is kept full or nearly full.
Engine cooling system
Volvo original coolant/anti-freeze coolant should be used all year round. The cooling system should
always contain water plus anti-freeze and rust inhibitor, even during the summer. Experience has also
shown that extremely weak anti-freeze solutions (10-25 percent) are ineffective for rust protection. For
this reason, the quantity of antifreeze/summer coolant should be about 50 percent of the solution. This
lowers the freezing point to - 30 ° F (-35 ° C). The use of "Recycled" Anti-freeze is not approved by
Different types of coolant/anti-freeze may not be mixed.
Engine lubricating system
During the winter, multigrade oil 10W-30 should be used in the engine.
The viscosity of the engine oil is important. Oil with low viscosity (thinner oil) improves cold-weather
starting as well as decreasing fuel consumption while the engine is warming up. To avoid difficult cold
start conditions (during extreme winter weather), use of 5W-30 oil, particularly the synthetic type, is
Be sure to use good quality oil but do not use this cold-weather oil for hard driving or in warm weather.
See section "Engine oil" for more information.
Use Volvo Teflon lock spray of grease in the locks.
Note: Avoid the use of de-icing sprays as they can cause damage to the
Electrical system
The electrical system is subject to greater stresses during the winter. Lighting and starter motor are used
more often. The battery capacity is reduced at low air temperature. The state of charge must be checked
more frequently, and if necessary the battery should be recharged. The battery can freeze if the state of
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