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1993 Volvo 240
1. The length of time various parts of a car stay wet. Parts of the car filled with road dirt and water
remain damp for long periods of time even after other parts have dried.
Particular attention should be paid to the underside of the car and floor sections inside. The floor
sections stay wet because moisture collects and remains under the floor matting.
Drain holes located at the bottom of the doors can get clogged with dirt, trapping water inside the door
and causing the door to rust through at the bottom.
2. Corrosion will be accelerated in areas of higher relative humidity, especially where temperatures often
stay above the freezing point and where the atmosphere is affected by industrial pollution, or where salt
is used for de-icing the roads.
Where parts of the car are covered with road dirt containing road salt, corrosion will be accelerated at a
lower relative humidity than if the surface were clean.
3. Increased temperature will cause an accelerated rate of corrosion of those parts of the car which are
not well ventilated to permit quick drying.
4. Industrial pollution and the presence of salt will also accelerate the deterioration of paint finishes.
The foregoing underscores the need for every car owner to keep his or her car, particularly the
underside, as clean and dry as possible. Repair any minor damage to paint work and protective coating
as soon as possible. The need is more important in those localities where road salt is used for de-icing,
the relative humidity is higher, air pollution is present and temperatures regularly stay above freezing.
pg. 103 Long distance trips, Cold weather
Prior to a long distance trip
Have your car checked at a Volvo dealer. Preventive maintenance will help to ensure a trouble free trip.
Remember to take along a Volvo dealer directory.
The main items to check are listed below:
1. Brakes, front wheel alignment and steering gear.
2. Engine running condition.
3. Fuel system operation.
4 Oil leaks: engine, transmission, rear axle.
5. Cooling system for leaks or worn hoses.
6. Examine tires carefully, replace worn tires.
7. Battery and terminals.
8. Tool equipment.
9. Lighting.
10. Drive belts, for tightness and wear.
file:///K|/ownersdocs/1993/1993_240/93240_98.html (7 of 9)12/30/2006 9:42:17 AM

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