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Switch off the meter and remove test probes prior to replacing the battery or fuses.
modifications of the device are forbidden for safety reasons. Damage caused by
user modifications to the device is not covered by the warranty.
4. Overvoltage/installation category
DMMs are categorized depending on the risk and severity of transient overvolt
occur at the point of test. Transients are short-
lived bursts of energy induced in a system, e.g.
caused by lightning strike on a power line.
The existing categories according EN 61010-1 are:
rated meter is suitable for measurements on protected electronic circuits
are not directly connected to mains power, e.g. electronics circuits, control signals…
A CAT II-rated meter is suitable for measurements in CAT I-
phase appliances which
are connected to the mains by means of a plug and circuits in a
normal domestic environment, provided that the circuit is at least 10m apart from a CAT
III- or 20m apart from a CAT IV-
environment. E.g. household appliances,
A CAT III-rated meter is suitable for measurements in CAT I-
and CAT II
as well as for measurements on (fixed) mono- or poly-
phased appliances which are at
least 10m apart from of a CAT IV-environment, and for measure
ments in or on
distribution level equipment (
fuse boxes, lighting circuits, electric ovens
A CAT IV-rated meter is suitable for measuring in CAT I-, CAT II-
environments as well as on the primary supply level.
Note that for all measu
rements on equipment for which the supply cables run outdoors
(either overhead or underground) a CAT IV meter must be used.
This device was designed in accordance with EN 61010-
1 installation category CAT III 600V / CAT
II 1000V. This implies that certain restrictions in use apply that are related to voltages and
voltage peaks which can occur within the environment of use. Refe
r to the table above.
This device is suitable for measurements up to 1000V on:
Protected electronic circuits which
are not directly connected to mains power, e.g. electronics
circuits, control signals, circuits behind isolating transformer…
circuits which are directly connected to mains power, but limited to:
measurements on mono-phase appliances which
are connected to the mains by means of a
phase appliances and circuits directly connected to the mains in a normal domestic
environment, provided
that the circuit is at least 10m apart from a CAT III
from a CAT IV-
environment. E.g. household appliances, portable tools, light circuits at more
than 10m from a distribution board …
This device is suitable for measurements up to 600V:
measurements in/on low-
voltage distribution boards (distribution boards
measurements on (fixed) mono- or poly-
phased appliances and circuits except in CAT
environments (e.g. mains outlets, electric ovens, lighting circuits,
bus bars, low
distribution boards and circuit breakers).
This device is NOT suitable for:
Voltages above 1000V
Measurements on distribution equipment and outdoor installations including meter boxes and
equipment/circuits outside or remote from the domestic environ
ment e.g. circuits in sheds,
garden houses and free-
standing garages , or circuits using underground wiring e.g. garden
lighting, pool-pump...
This device is only suitable for measurements up to 600V in
in CAT II environments.
Rev. 01
©Velleman nv
Switch off the meter and remove test probes prior to replacing the battery or fuses.
modifications of the device are forbidden for safety reasons. Damage caused by
user modifications to the device is not covered by the warranty.
DMMs are categorized depending on the risk and severity of transient overvolt
age that might
lived bursts of energy induced in a system, e.g.
rated meter is suitable for measurements on protected electronic circuits
are not directly connected to mains power, e.g. electronics circuits, control signals…
and mono-
are connected to the mains by means of a plug and circuits in a
normal domestic environment, provided that the circuit is at least 10m apart from a CAT
environment. E.g. household appliances,
portable tools…
and CAT II
phased appliances which are at
ments in or on
fuse boxes, lighting circuits, electric ovens
and CAT III-
rements on equipment for which the supply cables run outdoors
1 installation category CAT III 600V / CAT
II 1000V. This implies that certain restrictions in use apply that are related to voltages and
r to the table above.
are not directly connected to mains power, e.g. electronics
are connected to the mains by means of a
phase appliances and circuits directly connected to the mains in a normal domestic
that the circuit is at least 10m apart from a CAT III
- or 20m apart
environment. E.g. household appliances, portable tools, light circuits at more
voltage distribution boards (distribution boards
behind meter box)
phased appliances and circuits except in CAT
bus bars, low
Measurements on distribution equipment and outdoor installations including meter boxes and
ment e.g. circuits in sheds,
standing garages , or circuits using underground wiring e.g. garden
and up to 1000V

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