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This enables the following setting in the various programs:
ST. I / SIZE I = for a small bread weight, approx. 750-1.000 g
ST II / SIZE II = for a larger bread weigh, approx. 1.000-1.200 g
Please note, that this option is only available in the programs
BASIS, VOLLKORN, HEFEKUCHEN. The respective setting is
indicated by an arrow in the LCD display. Please note also our
recommendations in the recipes.
The button PAUSE allows to interrupt the program, e. g. for
removal of the kneading blade or to brush the surface etc.
Press the button PAUSE for 1 second in order to interrupt the
programme. The display starts to blink. Now you can open the
breadmaker e.g. to remove the kneading blade. Then close the
lid and press the button PAUSE again for about 1 second. The
display stops blinking and the programme is continued.
Attention: Do not interrupt the programme for more than
5 minutes. In case of longer interruptions the rising of the dough
may be disturbed.
As long as the PAUSE function is activated (blinking display)
the START/STOP button is without function and the programme
cannot be stopped completely.
The interior of the breadmaker
TOP EDITION is fitted with
a lighting, which allows to
follow the actual state of the
programme without opening
the lid. Just press the button
LICHT and the light turns
on. To switch off the light
just press the button again.
After 1 minute the light is
automatically switched off.
In addition to the other numerous programs provided by the
you can also program your own USER PROGRAM.
You can change the basic time and program phase settings as
programmed at the factory or leave out various program phases.
This allows you to develop your own individual program for baking
bread or preparing dough. Below you will find a sample recipe.
First you should become familiar with the following information
on the basic programming and use of the USER PROGRAM.
The program features the following options
Browning programmable
Timer programmable
Loaf size I and II not programmable
The default program is the same as for the BASIC program.
Phase Preset Programmable time frame
Total time 3:10 hours
Knead 1 10 minutes 6-14 minutes
Rise 1 20 minutes 20-60 minutes
Knead 2 15 minutes 5-20 minutes
Rise 2 25 minutes 5-120 minutes
Rise 3 45 0-120 minutes
Bake 45 minutes 0-80 minutes
Keep warm 60 minutes 0-60 minutes
The times can be programmed as shown in the table.
Proceed as follows:
Select the USER PROGRAM with the Menu button.
Select the desired phase with the ABSCHNITT button. Knead
1 and the programmed time 0:10 for this phase appear on the
The time can be changed by means of the ZEITWAHL button.
Press it repeatedly until the desired time appears on the display
(past OFF, if necessary).
Confirm the change with the ABSCHNITT button. Press this
button again and the next program phase and the programmed
time will appear on the display: Rise 1 = and 0:20.
If the maximum programmable time for the respective program
phase is exceeded by pressing the ZEITWAHL button, O will
appear on the display if this is possible according to the above
table. This phase is then skipped during the program.
Every programmed setting must be confirmed by pressing the
ABSCHNITT button, so you can continue programming the next
program phase.
Once you have programmed all phases to suit your preferences,
conclude the programming by pressing the ABSCHNITT button
and then the START/STOP button. The programmed time for the
user program appears on the display. The program then starts
either immediately or after the time set via the timer function.
Alarm function
The alarm sounds:
whenever the MENU or ZEIT/time buttons are pressed,
when pressing the programmebuttons to confirm each step,
during the second kneading process, to remind you to add
seeds, fruit, nuts or other ingredients. Please note that this
function cannot be deactivated, e.g. in the time preset
at the end of the baking process, the appliance beeps often
during the keep-warm phase,
at the end of the keep-warm phase several beeps remind
you that the appliance is now switched off and the bread
has to be taken out of the bread pan. Please note that this
function cannot be deactivated, e.g. in the time preset
The alarm function cannot be inactivated.
Repeat function after power outage
Should the electricity supply been cut off during the operation
of the Breadmaker, the appliance will re-start, on re-instatement
of the supply, automatically from the point arrived at when the
cut-off occurred as long as the interruption is not longer than
2 minutes. If the interruption in the electricity supply lasts
more than 2 minutes and the display shows the basic setting,
the Breadmaker must be re-started. This is only practical if the
dough was not further than the kneading phase when the break
occurred. If the program was already in the last rising cycle when
the power broke down and the interruption lasts over a longer
time, the dough cannot be saved and the program has to be
started again.
Safety functions
The lid should not be opened after the program has started, except
during the second kneading phase for adding of ingredients.
During the rising and baking phase the lid should never be opened,
as the bread may sink down.
If the temperature in the appliance, due to previous use, is too
high (above 40 °C) for a newly chosen program, when an attempt
to re-start is made, the display will show H:HH and an alarm
sound will be heard. Should this occur, remove the pan and wait

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Zoeken resetten

  • Programma stopt na 5 minuten kneden. Reset komt in beeld. Hoe te resetten? Apparaat uitgezet en opnieuw . Stopt ook weer. Wie helpt me? Gesteld op 6-3-2021 om 08:52

    Reageer op deze vraag Misbruik melden
  • Na tien jaar dezelfde Unold 68415 gekocht`; goede ervaring hiermee! minstens 200 broden gebakken...
    Nieuwe machine start niet. heb alle stappen nauwkeurig gezet. Bakblik goed vastgeklikt (rechtsom) Op start gedrukt, geen beweging in te krijgen. Hoe nu verder? Gesteld op 24-12-2020 om 11:28

    Reageer op deze vraag Misbruik melden

    Reageer op deze vraag Misbruik melden
    • op de pagina 61 van de gebruikshandleiding die online, op de computer, in te zien valt, staat hoe met het tijdsschema brood gebakken kan worden. Even 'googlen' op Unold etc..
      Wel goed lezen zeker wat betreft waarschuwingen van bederfelijke ingredienten en toevoegen van gist. Geantwoord op 6-8-2016 om 19:30

      Waardeer dit antwoord Misbruik melden

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