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1. Prepare the appliance as described in the chapter „Start-up“.
2. Open the lid of the Backmeister
breadmaker and take out
the bread pan.
3. Fill the hole for the kneading blade with heat resistant
margarine in order to prevent the dough from entering and
adhering to it.
4. Put the kneading blade on the drive shaft in the bread pan.
5. Add the ingredients into the bread pan as described in the
corresponding recipe. With thick dough you will achieve best
results changing the order of the ingredients, i.e. adding first
the dry ingredients and then the liquid. Nevertheless, mind
that the yeast does not get in contact with the liquid when
using the time presetting feature.
6. Put the bread pan back into the appliance and turn clockwise
until it latches into position.
7. Close the lid of the Backmeister
8. Connect the plug of the appliance to the wall socket and
switch the appliance on using the EIN/AUS (I/O) switch.
9. Select the desired programme. You may find the details for the
different programmes from page 28 onwards. For a standard
bread mix you will obtain good results using the programme
„Basis“ for example.
10. Select the desired browning setting (Hell Mittel Dunkel)
(Light Medium Dark). Please bear in mind that the browning
setting cannot be selected in all baking programmes. You may
find the corresponding details on page 28.
11. Select the desired bread size. Please bear in mind that the
bread size cannot be selected in all baking programmes. You
may find the corresponding details on page 28.
12. After having selected all desired adjustments, push the Start/
Stop button.
13. According to the programme selected a repeated beep can be
heard during the second kneading process. Now you may open
the lid and add the desired ingredients like nuts to the dough.
Close the lid afterwards.
14. The Backmeister
breadmaker emits a repeated beep when
your bread is ready and can be taken out. If you want to take
the bread out before the temperature maintenance time is
over, push the Start/Stop button and keep it pressed shortly
until the interruption of the programme is confirmed with a
15. Carefully take out the bread pan. In order to avoid burns,
please use adequate pot holders. Turn the bread pan upside-
down and let the bread slip onto a cake cooler to cool down. If
the bread does not slip out immediately onto the cake cooler,
move the kneading drive slightly from one side to another
from the bottom until the bread comes out. Please remember
that the kneading drive may still be hot and use adequate pot
holders. Never knock the bread pan on an edge or the working
plate, as this may deform the bread pan.
16. If the kneader sticks to the bread, it may be loosened with the
provided hook. Insert the hook on the bottom side of the warm
bread in the opening of the kneader and twist it at the bottom
rim of the kneader where the blade is. Then pull the kneader
carefully upwards using the hook. This allows you to see where
the blade of the kneader is inside the bread and pull it out.
17. Clean the bread pan afterwards as described on page 30.
1. Please check, if all parts and accessories are complete and
2. Before using the machine for the first time, remove all packing
materials ans loose parts from the inside.
3. Wipe the bread pans of the Backmeister
with warm water and
a mild detergent and clean the kneading blades.
4. Wipe the exterior of the appliance with a damp cloth. Do not
immerse the appliance into water.
5. Dry all parts thoroughly. Place the bread pan into the
6. Put the plug into a power socket. The breadmaker is now ready
for operation and can be programmed.
7. During the first operation cycle, steam may be produced. We
recommend to use the appliance for the first time with only
the bread pan inserted (no kneading blades, no ingredients) in
the program BAKING POWDER. Afterwards let the appliance
cool down.
8. Now your breadmaker is ready for baking the first bread.
25. Check the appliance, the wall socket and the lead cable
regularly for wear or damage. In case the lead cable or other
parts appear damaged, please send the appliance or the base
to our after sales service for inspection and repair (for address,
see warranty terms). Unauthorised repairs can constitute
serious risks for the user and void the warranty.
The manufacturer will not be liable in the event of incorrect assembly, improper or incorrect use or if repairs are carried out by unauthorized
third parties.

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Zoeken resetten

  • Programma stopt na 5 minuten kneden. Reset komt in beeld. Hoe te resetten? Apparaat uitgezet en opnieuw . Stopt ook weer. Wie helpt me? Gesteld op 6-3-2021 om 08:52

    Reageer op deze vraag Misbruik melden
  • Na tien jaar dezelfde Unold 68415 gekocht`; goede ervaring hiermee! minstens 200 broden gebakken...
    Nieuwe machine start niet. heb alle stappen nauwkeurig gezet. Bakblik goed vastgeklikt (rechtsom) Op start gedrukt, geen beweging in te krijgen. Hoe nu verder? Gesteld op 24-12-2020 om 11:28

    Reageer op deze vraag Misbruik melden

    Reageer op deze vraag Misbruik melden
    • op de pagina 61 van de gebruikshandleiding die online, op de computer, in te zien valt, staat hoe met het tijdsschema brood gebakken kan worden. Even 'googlen' op Unold etc..
      Wel goed lezen zeker wat betreft waarschuwingen van bederfelijke ingredienten en toevoegen van gist. Geantwoord op 6-8-2016 om 19:30

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