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English - 15
Adapter and Baery Informaon
AC adapter Base Charger
Part number PS-0035 PS-0035
Input voltage 120V AC, 60 Hz
8V AC @
8V AC @
Battery pack (normal use)
BT-1021 (300mAh)
2.4V DC
Talk time about 7 hours
Standby time about 6 days
Battery life about 1 year
x Use only the supplied AC adapters.
x Use the proper adapter for the base
and any chargers.
x Do not place the unit in direct
sunlight or subject it to high
x Replace the battery when the talk
or standby time becomes noticeably
reduced. For replacements, call the
Parts Department (see the front
x When the battery gets low, the
handset beeps or shows a low
battery alert; put the handset in the
cradle for recharging.
Rechargeable Baery Warning
x This equipment contains a rechargeable
Nickel-Metal-Hydride (Ni-MH) baery.
x Nickel is a chemical known to the state of
California to cause cancer.
x Do not short-circuit the baery.
x The baeries in this equipment may explode if
disposed of in a re.
x Do not charge the baeries in any charger
other than the one specied in the owner’s
manual. Using another charger may damage
the baery or cause it to explode.
x As part of our commitment to protecng our
environment and
conserving natural
resources, Uniden
voluntarily parcipates in
industry program
to collect and recycle used
Ni-MH baeries within the
United States. Please call
1-800-8-BATTERY for informaon on Ni-MH
baery recycling in your area. (RBRC
is a
registered trademark of the Rechargeable
Baery Recycling Corporaon.)
Rechargeable batteries must be recycled
or disposed of properly.
Warning! The cords on this product and/
or accessories contain lead, a chemical
known to the state of California to cause
birth defects or other reproductive harm.
Wash hands after handling.
Uniden works to reduce lead content in
PVC coated cords in our products and
Compliance Informaon
FCC Part 68 Informaon
This equipment complies with Part 68
of the FCC rules and the requirements
adopted by the ACTA. On the boom of this
equipment is a label that contains, among
other informaon, a product idener in the
format US: AAAEQ##TXXXX. If requested,
this number must be provided to the phone
An applicable Universal Service Order Codes
(USOC) cercaon for the jacks used in
this equipment is provided (i.e., RJ11C) in
the packaging with each piece of approved
terminal equipment. A plug and jack used
to connect this equipment to the premises
wiring and telephone network must comply
with the applicable FCC Part 68 rules and
requirements adopted by the ACTA. A
compliant telephone cord and modular plug
is provided with this product. It is designed
to be connected to a compable modular
jack that is also compliant. See installaon
instrucons for details.
The REN is used to determine the number of
devices that may be connected to a phone

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