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14 - English
Multi-handset problems Possible solutions
A handset says Unavailable.
x Move the handset closer to the base.
x See if any handset is in Privacy Mode.
Answering system problems Possible solutions
The answering system does not
x Make sure the answering system is on.
x Make sure the base is plugged in.
The system won't record
x See if Record Time is set to Announce Only.
x Delete messages (memory may be full).
A handset can't access the
answering system.
x See if another handset is using the system.
x Make sure the phone is in standby.
My outgoing message is gone.
x If there was a power failure, re-record your
personal outgoing message.
Messages are incomplete.
x Increase the Record Time.
x Delete messages (memory may be full).
The system keeps recording
when I answer on an extension.
x You may have to change the line mode.
Contact Customer Service for instructions.
Installing a Line Filter or DSL Filter
x A telephone line filter or DSL filter prevents services that use the phone line
from causing interference on your phone. To get a line filter, contact your
service provider or look in an electronics store.
x Plug the filter into the telephone wall jack and plug the base into the filter.
Make a test call to make sure the noise is gone.
Liquid Damage
CAUTION: If the base is covered in liquid, disconnect the adapter and
phone cord from the wall before touching it.
If the liquid is only on the exterior housing of the base or handset, wipe it off and
use as normal. If you can hear liquid inside the housing:
1. Remove all compartment covers, and disconnect all cables and cords.
2. If liquid is leaking from any vent or hole, turn the phone so that vent faces
down. If not, place the largest vent face down.
3. Let dry for at least 3 days. Check for liquid inside the phone before replacing
compartment covers and reconnecting cords.

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U ontvangt de handleiding per email binnen enkele minuten. Als u geen email heeft ontvangen, dan heeft u waarschijnlijk een verkeerd emailadres ingevuld of is uw mailbox te vol. Daarnaast kan het zijn dat uw internetprovider een maximum heeft aan de grootte per email. Omdat hier een handleiding wordt meegestuurd, kan het voorkomen dat de email groter is dan toegestaan bij uw provider.

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