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3. Insert a new water lter and then close the water lter bracket again.
4. Place the water lter bracket back into the water reservoir. Make sure
that the water lter is seated correctly in the slot in the water reservoir.
5. To delete the symbol on the display, press the Coee Strength
button and the 2–12 Cups button simultaneously.
Tip: The absence of a water lter does not stop the device from working
The hotplate is very hot after use! Let it cool down rst before cleaning it.
Never immerse the device, the cable or the plug in water.
Do not use corrosive or abrasive cleaning agents to clean the device.
These could damage the surface.
1. Clean the coee mill using the cleaning brush.
2. Adjust the screw at the opening for cleaning the coee mill with the shaft
end of the cleaning brush to the "Open" symbol
. The cover will open up
and you can then remove any excess coee powder with the cleaning brush.
3. Then close the cover again by pressing down on the cover and
adjusting the screw on the opening for cleaning the coee mill with
the shaft end of the cleaning brush to the "Closed" symbol .
4. Then press the unlocking button on the side of the device and open
the lter compartment.
5. Remove the lter cover, take out the permanent lter and dispose of
the coee powder.
6. Clean the lter cover, the permanent lter and the lter compartment
insert with hot water and a little detergent if necessary.
7. Then dry all parts thoroughly and place them in the coee machine again.
8. If necessary, clean the coee machine and hotplate with a damp cloth
and then with a dry one.
If the water only runs very slowly through the device or the device is
louder than usual during the brewing procedure, you should descale it.
1. Pour the mixture consisting of water and descaling agent into the water
reservoir and switch on the device. Pay attention to the directions for use
of the descaling agent in regard to the ratio of water to descaling agent.
2. Let the mixture run through the machine completely. Repeat this
procedure if the water still runs through slowly.
3. After descaling, let water (without coee) run through the device at
least three times to ush the lines etc.
4. Please ensure that you have switched on the Grind O function if you
want to ush the device with water or descale it.
If the device should stop working properly, check whether you are able to
correct the problem yourself. Do not try to repair a faulty device yourself!
Problem Possible cause/solution
The device
does not work
• Is the plug inserted in the mains socket correctly?
• Is the mains socket defective? Try another mains socket.
• Check the fuse of the main connection.
• Is the coee lter correctly inserted?
• Is the lter placed correctly?
• Is the glass pot sitting correctly on the hotplate?
appears on the
Pull the plug out of the socket to reset all of the settings
you have made. Check whether the lter compartment
insert, the permanent lter are positioned correctly,
whether the cover for cleaning the coee mill is closed
correctly and then try to start the brewing procedure
Coee maker

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