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1. Open the water reservoir lid.
2. Pour the desired amount of water into the water reservoir. On the
water level indication, you can see how many cups of water you have
already poured into the water reservoir. Always ll the water reservoir
with at least two up to a maximum of 12 cups of water. Use the glass jar
to ll the water reservoir with water.
3. Then close the water reservoir lid.
4. Open the lter compartment by pressing the unlocking button on the
side of the device.
5. Place the lter compartment insert, the permanent lter and the lter
compartment cover into the lter compartment. Make sure that all
parts are placed in correctly as otherwise the coee machine will not
start the brewing procedure.
6. Close the lter compartment.
7. NOTE, before you start making coee check if the permanent lter is empty.
8. Fill coee beans into the grinding mechanism of the coee machine.
Then place the lid of the grinding mechanism back on.
9. Place the glass pot on the hotplate.
10. Use the 212 Cups button to set the number of cups you would like to brew.
11. You can press the Coee strength button to set the coee strength.
You have a choice of three levels which are shown to you on the
display as follows:
The level mild represents a mild coee avour, the level medium
represents a medium coee avour and the level strong represents an
aromatically strong coee avour.
12. Press the On/O button to switch on the device. The On/O button
lights up.
13. As soon as you have pressed the On/O button, the grinding
procedure begins. After the grinding procedure, the brewing
procedure starts immediately. The grinding process can be noisy, this
sound is normal for such devices.
14. After the brewing procedure, you can take the glass pot from the
hotplate and serve the coee.
15. After the brewing procedure, the hotplate remains on for another two
hours and then switches o automatically.
16. If you would like to turn o the coee machine before the two hours
are up, press the On/O button.
17. Clean the device after use as described in the "Care and Descaling" chapter.
Tip: The coee machine has a non-drip valve. You can also take the
glass pot from the hotplate during the brewing procedure and pour
yourself a cup of coee. But be careful: You should place the glass pot
back on the hotplate within 20 seconds to prevent the coee lter from
overowing with water!
Brewing coee with Powder coee
1. Open the water reservoir lid.
2. Pour the desired amount of water into the water reservoir. On the
water level indication, you can see how many cups of water you have
already lled in the water reservoir. Always ll the water reservoir with
at least two up to a maximum of 12 cups of water. Use the glass jar to
ll the water reservoir with water.
3. Then close the water reservoir lid.
4. Open the lter compartment by pressing the unlocking button on the
side of the device.
5. Place the lter compartment insert and the permanent lter into the
lter compartment. Make sure that all parts are placed in correctly as
otherwise the coee machine will not start the brewing procedure.
Coee maker

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