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Problem Possible cause/solution
The device
beeps, but
shows no error
Is the lter placed correctly?
Model: KZ-1228
Voltage supply: 220V-240V ~ 50Hz/60Hz
Output: 1000 W
Protection class: 1
Tristar is not liable for damages occurred through:
o In case the appliance has fallen.
o In case the appliance has been technically changed by the owner or
another third party.
o In case of improper use of the appliance.
o In case of normal wear of the appliance.
By executing repairs the original warranty period of 2 years will not
be extended, nor the right to a complied new warranty. This warranty
is only legal on European soil. This warranty does not overrule the
European directive 1944/44CE.
Always keep your receipt, without this receipt you can not claim any
form of warranty whatsoever.
Damage caused by not following the instruction manual will lead to a void
of warranty, if this results in consequential damages Tristar will not be liable.
Tristar will not be liable for material damage or personal injury caused
by improper use or if the safety instructions are not properly executed.
Cleaning, as mentioned in this manual, is the only necessary
maintenance for this appliance.
When the appliance should be repaired, make sure that this will be
performed by an authorized company.
This appliance may not be amended or changed.
If problems arise during the 2 years from the date of purchase, which
are covered by the factory warranty, you can go back to the point of
purchase to replace it for a new one.
For questions or compliances please contact your retailer “point of
This appliance is covered with a 24 month guarantee starting on the
date of purchase (receipt).
Only material or manufacturing defects are included in this warranty.
If you wish to make a claim please return the entire machine in the
original packaging to your dealer together with the receipt.
Damage to accessories does not mean automatic free replacement of
the whole appliance. In such cases please contact our hotline. Broken
glass or breakage of plastic parts are always subject to a charge.
Defects to consumables or parts subject to wearing, as well as cleaning,
maintenance or the replacement of these parts are not covered by the
guarantee and hence are to be paid!
The guarantee lapses in case of unauthorized tampering.
After the expiry of the guarantee repairs can be carried by the
competent dealer or repair service against the payment of the ensuing
Warranty Terms
The following are excluded from the warranty: all defects and damage
caused by improper handling or unauthorised attempts to repair. The
same applies for normal wear.
Instruction manual

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