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Safety and Instruction Manual
Helpline: 0844 984 0055
Safety Valve
Safety Window
Limiting Valve
9. Once all the steam has escaped and the valve
rod has been released, the lid can be opened.
Please wear a glove to open the lid and avoid
getting burnt. If the indicating valve has not
dropped it means that there is still some pressure
inside the cooker, and to ensure your safety, the
cover cannot be opened. Do not try to force it
open, just press the indicating valve downwards
with a needle or cocktail stick, let the remaining
steam escape completely and then open the cover.
This product is equipped with special features
for your safety.
1. Pressure-limiting valve
If the pressure inside is up to a regular working
range, the pressure-limiting valve will release
extra steam. When the cooker reaches required
pressure, the valve will raise to show one line.
If the valve raises further to show a second line,
the pressure is not correct and needs attention
(see Fig 7).
2. Open-preventing valve
This will raise when the pressure reaches 4Kpa.
Beware of the steam escaping as this can scald.
3. Sealing Ring/Safety Window
When the pressure-limiting valve and the safety
valve are not activated, the sealing ring will be
squeezed out from the safety window.
4. Opening Knob
The knob needs to be pressed and turned
to open/close.
Fig 6
Fig 7
Fig 8
In the process of heating, the cooker is sealed
by a rubber ring. The pressure in the cooker
increases gradually and the water reaches
increased boiling point, accordingly.
When the pressure in the cooker exceeds
the specified limit, the pressure limiting valve
rises up. Steam then escapes from the regulator,
keeping the temperature and pressure inside
the cooker at a certain level.
If the vent is blocked by food, a safety valve will
open automatically for safety purposes. To ensure
your safety and in the event that the cover has not
been closed correctly, the pressure in the cooker
cannot exceed 5kpa. (kpa = Kilopascal is a unit of
pressure. It is a measure of force per unit area,
defined as one newton per square metre).
Once cooking is complete and an appropriate
cooling down period has been allowed,
the pressure in the cooker will remain.
Until such time the cover will remain locked
and cannot be opened.
T90103 Tower One Touch Pressure Cooker Manual.indd 5 29/05/2014 11:43

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