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T90103 Stainless Steel One-Touch Pressure Cooker
Only when adhering to the rules strictly, can the
full advantages of the pressure cooker be achieved.
1. Please clean the pressure cooker before first
use by adding water and heat for 30 minutes.
2. Make sure that the hole of both the safety valve
and the steam-releasing pipe is clear, see Fig 1.
3. The amount of food and water put in the cooker
can not exceed 2/3 of the cooker’s volume,
see Fig 2, water or soup can not be
less than 200 millilitres (about 2 bowls).
4. Place the lid on the cooker and turn the
knob to lock it in place. Before turning
the knob, press it slightly first, see Fig 3.
5. The pressure cooker should be used on a level
oven. Do not use on an electric hob ring that has
a larger diameter than the cookers base. When
cooking on a gas oven, the flame should not
reach the cookers side wall (see Fig 4).
6. After the cover has been closed properly,
cooking can commence. Some steam may
escape from the regulator, but this is normal.
As the pressure builds up, the indicating valve
rod will rise up and remain in this up position,
while the steam escapes from the regulator
with a sound. Reduce the cooking temperature
until the cooking is complete.
7. Do not put anything over the pressure-limiting
valve (see Fig 5)
8. To reduce the pressure after the cooking is
complete, set the cooker aside to cool until
the pressure is completely reduced. If you wish
to cool the pressure cooker down quickly, place
the pressure cooker, under running cold water
(Fig 6). Allow the cold running water to run over
the lid until the pressure reduces. The pressure
is completely reduced when the pressure
indicating valve has been released. If the
pressure indicating valve remains in its raised
position, there may still be pressure inside
the pressure cooker. Continue to cool until
the pressure indicating valve drops. After the
pressure has been completely reduced, remove
the pressure limiting valve. Always remove the
pressure limiting valve before opening the cover.
The following safety precautions are recommended by most reputable appliance manufacturers.
Fig 2
No less than
200ml of water
min, 2/3 capacity
of cooker.
Fig 1
Check that the safety valve and steam
releasing pipe are clear.
Fig 3
Press the knob
and then turn it
to lock in place.
Fig 5
Do not place
anything over
the pressure-
limiting valve
Fig 4
T90103 Tower One Touch Pressure Cooker Manual.indd 4 29/05/2014 11:43

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