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T90103 Stainless Steel One-Touch Pressure Cooker
Working Pressure: 80 10% kPa
Safety Pressure: >180 kPa
Destroy Pressure: > 500kPa
Pressure inside the cooker under the condition
that the cover has not been closed to its
correct position: > 5kPa
Pressure in the cover when the indicating
valve is locked: > 4 kPa
Save these instructions for future reference.
This product is intended for household use.
Thank you…
… for purchasing a Tower Pressure Cooker. We hope you have years
of trouble free cooking with your new purchase.
There are many benefits of using a pressure cooker:
• Foods retain most of their nutrients and are tastier
Save energy – no need for multiple pots and pans
on separate burners
Save time in preparing meals – cook up to 70%
faster when a pressure cooker is used, making it
a handy tool to quickly get the meal on the table.
Less washing is required with ‘one pot’ cooking
and a pressure cooker lid prevents any splashes,
splatters or boil overs.
Prepare a variety of meals, side dishes
and desserts including:
• Soups & Paté
• Steamed vegetables
• Stews and casseroles
• Pasta dishes
• Beans, rice and pulses
• Steamed puddings
To reduce the risk of personal injury or property
damage, basic safety precautions should always
be followed, including the following:
Read all instructions carefully, as improper use
may result in bodily injury or property damage.
Always check the regulator before use. Hold the
cover up to the light and look through the regulator
to be certain it is clear.
Do not fill the pressure cooker over 2/3 full.
When making soup, cooking rice, and dried
vegetables which expand during cooking,
do not fill the cooker over 1/4 way.
Do not pressure cook foods such as apple sauce,
cranberries, rhubarb, pearl barley, oatmeal,
other cereal, split peas, soup mixes containing
dried vegetables, noodles, macaroni or spaghetti.
These foods tend to foam, froth and splutter
and may block the regulator.
When cooking liquid foods such as soup
or porridge, shake the cooker slightly before
opening to release any air bubbles and avoid
them bursting once the lid is open.
This appliance cooks under pressure. Improper
use may result in scalding. Make certain that
the pressure cooker is properly closed before
operating and the cover handle must be directly
above the body handle.
Do not place or attempt to pressure cook
in a heated oven.
Extreme caution must be used when moving a
pressure cooker containing hot liquids. Do not
touch the hot surface, only touch the handles.
Do not open the cooker until the internal pressure
has been completely reduced, the pressure
indicating valve has been released, also check
that no steam is escaping when the pressure
limiting valve is removed.
Caution: To ensure safe operation and satisfactory
performance, replace the sealing
ring if it becomes hard or deformed.
Close supervision is necessary when the pressure
cooker is used near children.
It is not recommended that children use
the pressure cooker.
Do not use the pressure cooker for anything
other than its original intended use.
Never use this pressure cooker with oil.
T90103 Tower One Touch Pressure Cooker Manual.indd 2 29/05/2014 11:43

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