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Teufel · Motiv 5
      
The Motiv 5 is purely a playback system it has no
built-in decoder function. Therefore it is depend-
ent” on the allocation of the external decoders
when splitting the signals. This decoder is a com-
ponent of the sound card or DVD player software.
If the signal only plays on two satellites in stereo
mode, for example, the correct allocation in the
software of the sound card/DVD player is either
not possible or not correctly set.
The Motiv 5 is “blameless it only plays back the
signals it receives. Therefore, correct allocation in
the software of the sound card/DVD player is es-
sential. Please contact the support department
of the sound card/DVD player manufacturer.
“I can hear background noises that only occur
at certain volumes”
When the background noises keep occurring at
certain levels in “steps of 10”, the phenomenon
you have described is a construction-dependent
peculiarity of the Motiv 5 and not a defect. As
you can set the volume yourself using the volume
options on your PC/DVD player, instead of using
the remote control and the equalizer on the sub-
woofer, this critical setting point can simply be
avoided in everyday life.
In rare cases it may be possible to receive radio/
interference frequencies; this depends on the lo-
cal environment. Please remove all cinch cables
from the subwoofer and check whether the in-
terference still occurs. We recommend trying out
shorter, higher quality, shielded cinch connection
The satellites crackle
Please disconnect the Teufel speaker system
from your PC or other connected devices by loos-
ening the cable connection and check whether
the crackling” stops. Try operating the set with
a different power source/in a different room ( just
use an extension cable). If you can still hear the
crackling, please check which satellite is affected
by swapping them over and finding out whether
it is the satellite or the subwoofer electronics
that are generating the excessive crackling. If
the fault “moves” with the satellite, the satellite
is affected. On the other hand, if the crackling is
still on the same channel, the subwoofer amplifier
electronics are responsible.
The satellites hiss”
Generally speaking, the Motiv 5 is a very low-noise
system. In the high range area, very good-quality
high-resolution speaker systems can expose the
defective quality of a signal source (e.g. from
mp3 files or analogue cassette recordings) that is
hardly noticeable on less high-quality speakers.
You can check the basic noise level by connecting
an output signal (via a cinch cable) from an exter-
nal source that is guaranteed to be good quality
such as a music CD on a portable CD player to
the front L/R input on the subwoofer. If all of the
satellites are now playing noise-free, then they
were not getting the correct signal before. Either
the cinch cable is defective (try swapping them)
or the output of your source appliance is not pro-
ducing a sufficient signal.
However, if you continue to hear increased noise
on this channel there is possibly a fault in the
Motiv 5. Please check which satellite is affected
by swapping the satellites over and finding out
whether it is the satellite or the subwoofer elec-
tronics that are generating the excessive noise.
If the fault “moves” with the satellite, the satel-
lite is affected. On the other hand, if the noise re-
mains on the same channel, the subwoofer ampli-
fier electronics are responsible.
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