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Teufel · Motiv 5
Speaker for bass playback, with integrated amplifier. Very deep
frequencies can only be played back with a large-volume speak-
er. To make sure that the front speakers can be kept as compact
as possible, a separate subwoofer is used for bass tones. It can
be located unobtrusively in the living room: for instance, behind
the sofa or under a side table. The cut-off frequency between
the front speakers and the subwoofer depends on the compo-
nents used but is usually between 50 and 120 Hertz.
The Auto On/Off function switches the subwoofer on as soon as
a signal is detected and off again a certain time after the last
signal was transferred (around 20 minutes).
Central speaker in the home cinema system. All dialogues are
played back via the centre. Therefore, good voice playback capa-
bility is essential for the centre.
Cinema Set - 5.1
All Teufel speaker systems that are supplied with three direct
front speakers and dipole effect speakers are also called a Cin-
ema Set. In contrast, five direct speakers are called Concert
Cinema Set 5.1
All Teufel speaker systems with five direct satellites are called
Concert Sets. In contrast, Cinema Sets have three direct front
speakers and a dipole rear speaker.
Dipole speakers emit sound in two directions. They are there-
fore ideal rear speakers for your home cinema because their
emission characteristics imitate the speaker arrangement in
a commercial cinema. Cinemas always use multiple speakers for
the rear channels and their sound is distributed throughout
the whole room. Dipoles have been designed to emit sound indi-
rectly into the room (i.e. not locatable), which is different from
direct emitters (see below).
Direct emitters
Direct emitters are conventional speakers that transport sound
to the listener in a direct line. In the home cinema, direct emit-
ters are used generally to play back the three front channels; in
Concert Sets they are also located to the rear.
Electronic switching to divide up the digital multichannel sig-
nals from the DVD into as many as seven individual signals.
Dolby Digital and DTS are two different sound formats, so two
different decoders are also required. AV receivers, DVD players
or corresponding sound cards usually have both decoders.
This is where you stipulate the frequency used for playing back
sounds from the satellites or subwoofer. If, for example, you set
a cut-off frequency of 120 Hz, all frequencies above 120 Hz are
emitted by the satellites, frequencies under 120 Hz are played
by the subwoofer.
The level controller on the subwoofer is used to adjust the vol-
ume. For perfect playback, all speaker channels – incl. the sub-
woofer should be set such that the signals from the individual
speakers can be heard equally loudly at the listening location.
With the phase controller, you can adjust the subwoofer to the
satellites such that the speaker membranes vibrate in the
same direction in the cut-off frequency range. If the phase is
set incorrectly, the bass may be weakened or cancelled. If the
subwoofer is located between the front speakers we recom-
mend 0°, for a position close to the listening location 180°. If the
subwoofer is in another location, the “180°” setting can balance
out the reduced bass playback. Set the phase controller appro-
priately to get the strongest bass playback.
Rear speaker
Effects and atmospheric sounds are played back via the rear
speakers (either dipoles or direct emitters). This gives a
greater spatial feel when playing back films and music.
Sub out
Output on the receiver/amplifier to connect an active subwoof-
er using a mono-cinch cable.
Pre-amplifier output on the receiver or output on the DVD play-
er. One analogue signal is provided for each channel via cinch
Surround sound procedure that, in addition to the left and right
rear channel (and the relevant speakers), also uses a centrally
played back rear channel. Depending on the sound format, this
“rear centre” is embedded in the stereo signals for the left and
right rear channel (“matrixed”) and extracted for playback (e.g.
for THX® Surround EX, Dolby Digital EX) or transferred as an
independent signal. Instead of the dominant 5.1 technology,
these are therefore 6.1 sound formats. In practice, it has proven
to be beneficial for the sound to allow the rear centre to be
played back by two centrally located rear speakers. AV technol-
ogy equipped with the necessary amplifiers and connections is
therefore called “7.1” although it only plays back a 6.1 signal.

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