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Teufel · Motiv 5
The set loses its settings when I switch it off
This is normal. The mains switch and the mains
plug disconnect the subwoofer from the electric-
ity supply and mean that the settings are lost. We
therefore recommend using standby mode on a
separate supply this will ensure all of your set-
tings are kept.
We consider it a good idea to make all of the in-
terrelated settings for the individual channels (=
all except master volume and, where applicable,
subwoofers) on the AV receiver, DVD player or PC
sound card driver software, not on the Motiv 5.
“When I switch the PC on or off I can hear a
loud snapping or crackling.
The speaker system reproduces any kind of
acoustic signal that it receives from the signal
source. It cannot differentiate between useful
and disruptive signals. When the PC’s sound card
transfers the on/off impulses to the box set, the
speakers will reproduce it. These will not usually
damage your speakers. Nevertheless, we recom-
mend minimising the volume using the PC’s soft-
ware before switching off, in order to limit these
strong impulses.
Basic function test
You can check the function of the subwoofer and
the satellites by only connecting the (stereo) sig-
nal from an external source that is guaranteed to
be good quality – such as a music CD played on a
(portable) CD player via a cinch cable (and pos-
sibly a Y adaptor) with the front input L/R on the
The other four inputs on the subwoofer do not
need to be occupied (= cinch cable disconnected).
Using this connection set-up for front in L/R, the
Motiv 5 amplifier activates all satellites and the
subwoofer via internal distribution.
If the subwoofer and all five satellites now play
the signal from a directly connected CD player
properly, the Motiv 5 was not receiving the cor-
rect signal before.
Either the cinch cable is defective (try exchang-
ing it) or the output of your source appliance is
not producing the correct signal.
If you continue to experience unwanted noise/
individual malfunctions, there is possibly a defect
in the Teufel system.
To make sure you are able to enjoy your product
from Lautsprecher Teufel for a long time, please
note the following tips:
Do not expose the casing to direct sunlight.
Avoid extreme temperature differences and pro-
tect your speakers from moisture.
When cleaning the speaker, only use a slightly
damp or dry cloth. Abrasive cleaners and products
that contain alcohol should be avoided. Remove
dust from the membrane very carefully with a dry
Technical data
Technical data can be found on our homepage at:
Frequently asked questions · Cleaning · Technical data

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