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English - 69 -
To pair the glasses and TV:
1. Ensure TV is in 3D mode and glasses are within
0.5M of the TV.
2. In power on or power off state, press the power
button for 3 seconds. The LED light will ash
red and green whilst pairing is in progess.
Pairing success is indicated by the 3D glasses
shutters operating normally and the 3D content
can be viewed.
3. If the glasses cannot successfully pair with the
TV, the LED indicator will light red. If this is the
case, repeat steps 1 and 2 above.
Replacement of battery
Push the spring clasp to the left, at the same time
move the battery lid up as indicated in picture 1.
Pull the battery lid up. Install or replace the battery
as indicated in picture 2 observing correct polarity.
Close the battery lid as shown in picture 3.
picture 1
picture 2 picture 3
Operation Instruction and Function of Power
LED Light
Power on
Ensure TV is in 3D mode
Press the power button on the glasses
The LED light will ash red. Glasses are now in
ON state
Power off
Press the power button on the glasses
The LED light will ash red. Glasses are now in
OFF state
Automatic Power off
If the glasses do not receive a Bluetooth signal from
the TV within 3 seconds, the glasses will automatically
shutdown, indicated by the LED light ashing red.
Low battery power
If the battery power is low, the LED light will ash
every 2 seconds and/or the glasses shutter will
work abnormally. In this case replace the battery as
indicated in the above section.
To ensure better 3D vision experience, please watch within
Standard Specication
3D method Liquid Crystal Shutter
Dimensions Width: 147 mm
Height: 39 mm
Depth: 154 mm
Operating temperature: 0°C - 40°C
Weight(includingbattery): 28g ± 2g
Material Frame: Resin
Lens: Liquid crystal glass
Battery: CR1620; Battery life: 40hr +/- 5hr
The battery operating time may become shorter
depending on the
usage condition or environment.
Pairing range: < 0.5 m
Viewing range: 1-10 m
We herby declares that this product with an integrated
Wireless Function is in compliance with the essential
requirements and other relevant provisions of
Directive 1999/5/EC..
EU Conformity Statement
This product is carrying the CE-Mark in
accordance with the related European
This product is labeled with the CE Mark in
accordance with the related European Directives,
notably Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EC,
Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive 2004/108/
EC and RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU.
The following information is only for EU-member
The following information is only for EU-member
Disposal of products
The crossed out wheeIed dust bin symbol
indicates that products must be collected
and disposed of separately from household
waste. Integrated batteries and accumulators can be
disposed of with the product. They will be separated
at the recycling centres.
The black bar indicates that the product was placed
on the market after August 13, 2005.

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Zoeken resetten

  • Ik krijg op mijn nieuwe tv voor bijna alle kanalen de melding "Zender is gecodeerd";dus geen beeld.
    Wat kan ik hieraan doen?(een paar gaan wel:oa.Ketnet - CNN - Actua-tv - al de andere niet)
    Bedankt voor de hulp. Gesteld op 2-3-2016 om 16:42

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Telefunken D32H278A3CW Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 25 pagina's

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