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Contents in the box
3D Glasses x 2
CR1620 x 2
CR 1620
Operating Instructions
Safety Precautions
Some viewers mat experience a seizure or blackout
when exposed to certain ashing images or lights
contained in certain 3D television pictures or video
Anyone who has had a seizure, loss of awareness, or
other symptoms linked to an epilectic condition, or has
a family history of epilepsy, should contact a health
care provider before using the 3D function.
We do not recommend the use of 3D devices
for children under 6 years of age and strongly
discourage from use of 3D devices for children under
3 years of age.
Please clean the 3D glasses periodically with some
kind of sanitising cleaning product.
Please do not use benzene, paint thinner, alcohol,
water, or abrasive cleaners, which may damage
the 3D glasses.
If you are ill or feel ill, you should refrain from viewing
3D images, and consult your health care provider
as may be appropriate.
Fore more information, please carefully read cautions
in “3D Mode” section described in the TV owners
• The product contains a coin cell battery. If the coin cell
battery is swallowed, it can cause severe internal burns in
just 2 hours and can lead to death.
• Keep new and used batteries away from children. If the
battery compartment does not close securely, stop using
the product and keep it away from children.
• If you think batteries might have been swallowed or placed
inside any part of the body, seek immediate medical
• Do not repair, modify, or disassemble the 3D glasses by
Doing so may cause a re or cause you to become
indisposed while viewing 3D images.
• Do not expose the glasses to excessive heat such as
• If the 3D glasses become extremely hot or emit an unusual
odor or smoke during use, turn off the power immediately.
Continuing to use them may cause cracking or re.
Wait until they cool down, and contact the shop
where you purchased the product.
• Do not nail, hammer, or step on the battery.
Doing so may cause a short circuit, leading to
overheating, cracking, or re.
• Do not overheat, disassemble, or short-circuit the battery,
Doing so may cause cracking or re.
• Do not connect the battery with metal items such as wires.
Also, do not carry or store the battery with metal items such
as necklaces or hairpins.
Doing so may cause a short circuit, leading to
overheating, cracking, or re.
About handling the 3D glasses
• Do not wear the 3D glasses for any purpose other than
viewing 3D programming.
3D glasses do not function as sunglasses.
• Do not use the 3D glasses if they are not working properly
or broken.
Continuing to use them in such a state may cause
injury, eye strain, or indisposition.
• Do not stand or walk while wearing 3D glasses.
You may lose your balance which could result in falls
or other accidents.
• Do not scratch the surface of the lenses with sharp objects.
• Do not drop or bend the 3D glasses.
• If your nose or temple turns red, or you feel pain or
discomfort, stop using the 3D glasses.
Such symptoms as above may occur if you keep
wearing them for a long time, which may also cause
• Becareful nottopinch yourngers inthehinge ofthe
3D glasses.
3D Glasses
LCD Lens
Power button
/ LED light
Battery lid
Glasses Pairing Operation Instruction
These 3D Active glasses use Bluetooth wireless
technology. It is recommended to pair the TV to
the glasses before using to view 3D, as to prevent
interference from other Bluetooth devices. After
pairing the glasses will only work with the TV they
are paired to. There is no need to repeat this process
once successful pairing is complete unless you wish
to use with another TV.

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Zoeken resetten

  • Ik krijg op mijn nieuwe tv voor bijna alle kanalen de melding "Zender is gecodeerd";dus geen beeld.
    Wat kan ik hieraan doen?(een paar gaan wel:oa.Ketnet - CNN - Actua-tv - al de andere niet)
    Bedankt voor de hulp. Gesteld op 2-3-2016 om 16:42

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