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When the glasss colour changes.
This does not affect its effectiveness or
stability, and is generally caused by inade-
quate cleaning or by poor-quality pans.
Metallic sheens are caused by metal pans
sliding over the glass. They can be remo-
ved by thorough cleaning with a special,
glass ceramic cleaning agent (for exam-
ple, Vitroclen), although it may be that the
cleaning needs to be repeated more than
Worn trim is the result of using abrasive
cleaning products or pans with uneven
bases which wear down the serigraphy.
Please note:
Take great care when using the
glass scraper. The blade can cause
If you do not use the scraper pro-
perly, the blade could break and pieces
may get stuck between the decorative
side-piece and the glass. If this hap-
pens, do not try to remove the pieces
with your hand - use pliers or a sharp-
pointed knife. (See fig. 5)
Only use the blade on the glass
ceramic surface - avoid the body of the
scraper coming into contact with the
glass, since this could scratch the
glass ceramic.
Use blades that are in perfect con-
ditions, and change the blade as soon
as it shows any sign of wear.
When you finish using the scra-
per, fold it away and cover it well up.
(See fig. 6)
Pans may stick to the glass if
something has melted between them.
Do not attempt to unstick the pan when
it is cold - you could break the glass
TEKA INDUSTRIAL S.A. reserves the
right to alter its manuals in any way it
deems necessary or useful while not alte-
ring their basic characteristics.
The symbol on the product or on its
packaging indicates that this product
may not be treated as household waste.
Instead it shall be handed over to the
applicable collection point for the recy-
cling of electrical and electronic equip-
ment. By ensuring this product is dis-
posed of correctly, you will help pre-
vent potential negative consequences
for the environment and human health,
which could otherwise be caused by
inappropriate waste handling of this
product, please contact your local city
office, your household waste disposal
service or the shop where you purcha-
sed the product.
fig. 5
fig. 6
Protected blade Unprotected blade
Using the scraper

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