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Excess temperature in the
electronics or on the glass.
Wait some time to allow the
electronics to cool down or
remove the container to
allow the glass to cool.
A plate powers off and message C is displayed on the indicators
The induction zones are not heating up
The pan is unsuitable (it
does not have a ferromag-
netic base or it is too
Check that the pan base
reacts to a magnet, or use a
larger pan.
When you start using the induction zones, you hear a buzzing sound
The pan is light or made
up of more than one part.
The buzzing comes from
energy being transmitted
directly to the base of the
This buzzing is not a fault. If,
however, you wish to avoid it,
lower the power level slightly
or use a pan that has a hea-
vier base, and/or that is made
of a single part
The touch control does not come on
The lock is enabled
Disable the lock.
When frying or making a stew, the energy in the induction zones seems
to decrease (“the hotplate gets less hot”)
If the temperature of the
glass or of the electrics
gets too high while coo-
king, a self-protection
system is triggered that
adjusts the power of the
hotplates so that the tem-
perature does not get any
Overheating problems while
cooking only occur under
conditions of extreme use
(cooking for a long time at full
power) or when the hob has
been wrongly installed.
Check that the hob has been
installed as described in the
instruction manual.
The sound of a fan can be heard while cooking, and it continues when
the cooker has been turned off.
There is a fan in the
induction zones to cool
the electronics.
The fan only comes on when
the electronics heat up -
when the temperature goes
down it goes off automati-
cally, whether or not the hob
is on.
If something doesn’t work
Before calling the Technical Service, please
make the following checks:
Fault Possible cause Possible solution

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