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Manage Files
Press MODE button to enter “File Management” mode. There are 2 types of files: “Video
playback” and Image playback”. Select one and confirm with the OK button. Most
recent file will be displayed on LCD. For example: If your last action was photo shooting,
the photo will be displayed on LCD.
Connect to PC – Downloading Videos and Images
1. After the USB cable is connected to a computer, a LCD display appears as start
picture. BLUE indicator turns on, then the display screen will become blue.
2. Computer automatically detects the MicroSD card drive.
System requirements: Win7/8/XP/Vista/2000, MAC OS 10.3.6 or above.
3. Browse or manage files through computer.
4. Unplug the USB cable and turn the device off.
Notice: If device crashes during usage, press the RESET button and start again.
Technical specifications
LCD Display 2.7” LTPS (16:9)
Lens 120°A + High resolution wide angle lens (3.0 mega pixels)
Video resolution 1080FullHD (1920x1080) – Full High Definition
1080P (1440x1080), 720P (1280x720)
Video format MOV H.264 Compress Format
Image resolution 12M (4032x3024), 10M (3648x2736), 8M (3264x2448),
5M (2592x1944), 3M (2048x1536), 1.3M (1280x960),
2MHD (1920x1080), VGA (640x480)
Image format JPEG
Languages English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese,
Russian, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Japanese
Memory card MicroSD (up to 32GB)
Built-in Microphone & Speaker & USB2.0 port & AV & HDMI
Shooting way Single / 2 sec. clocking / 5 sec. clocking / 10 sec. clocking
TV mode PAL / NTSC
Frequency 50Hz / 60Hz
Power input 5V 500mA
Power supply Built-in rechargeable Li-Ion battery (usage time fully charged
~1/2 hour) or 5V charger for cigarette lighter
Dimensions / Weight 113 x 32 x 46mm / 69g
CarHD Cam 1080P TX–14, USB cable, HDMI cable, 5V charger for car
cigarette lighter socket, Bracket with suction cup, User Manual
Security and Disposal Hints for Batteries: Hold children off batteries. When a child swallowed a battery
go to a doctors place or bring the child into a hospital promptly! Look for the right polarity (+) and (--) of
batteries! Always change all batteries. Never use old and new batteries or batteries of different types
together. Never short, open, deform or load up batteries! Risk of injury! Never throw batteries into fire!
Risk of explosion!
Hints for Environment Protection: Packages materials are raw materials and can be recycled.
Do not disposal old devices or batteries into the domestic waste. Cleaning: Protect the device
from contamination and pollution (use a clean drapery). Avoid using rough, coarse-grained
materials/solvents/other aggressive cleaner. Wipe the cleaned device. Important Notice: Should
battery fluid leak from a battery, wipe the battery-case with a soft cloth dry.
Distributor: Technaxx Deutschland GmbH & Co.KG, Kruppstr. 105, 60388 Frankfurt a.M., Germany

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Andere handleiding(en) van Technaxx TX14

Technaxx TX14 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 8 pagina's

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