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Insert a MicroSD memory card
The golden contacts must be directed upwards and forwards. Always do the installing
and removing of the MicroSD card with care, otherwise the contacts of the device and/or
the MircoSD card may be damaged.
Play Music
MP3 files are played in the same order, like they are stored on the USB flash disk or
MicroSD card.
If music files are stored in different folders, only the files of the first (!) folder will be played.
Neither jumping between the folders, nor selecting a folder is possible.
If new MP3 files are stored, the device changes the row of music files by itself. You have
no influence on that.
If the USB flash disk or MicroSD card is removed from the device, and inserted again
later, playback will start with the last MP3 file you heard.
Handling FM radio
Before starting
the FM radio
Plug the equipped USB cable into the ANT slot (antenna slot) for better
(Play / Pause)
In case the device works as FM radio, press the button /
shortly to start the automatic channel search functon and the automatic
channel storing function (max. 20 stations). If a channel is found, the
device stores this channel automatically and searches for other
stations. The number of stations found is dependent on the strength of
the transmitter signal!
(Volume +)
Press the button to increase the volume; Press short the button to
increase the volume step by step; Press long the button to increase the
volume gradually.
(Volume –)
Press the button to decrease the volume; Press short the button to
decrease the volume step by step; Press long the button to decrease
the volume gradually.
Press the button to go forward to the next stored FM channel, or to
scan FM channels forward (means, to go step by step to a FM channel
with a higher number).
Press the button to go backwards to the last stored FM channel, or to
scan FM channels backwards (means, to go step by step to a FM
channel with a lower number).

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Andere handleiding(en) van Technaxx MusicMan MA Soundstation

Technaxx MusicMan MA Soundstation Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 4 pagina's

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