• additional instructions:
    the display indicates Out2.
    What does this mean and what to do to correct.
    The scale needs callibration.
    How to proceed to calibrate the scale.
    Provide yourself with a weight of 2 kgs.
    (I used 2 kg of kitchen salt packed in plastic,
    if you have a more reliable weight at hand use that one of course).
    Press the button to start the scale on/off(left one).
    Keep it pressed down and at the same time press the bottom 'mode' (right one)
    twice in quick succession then release the left button.
    You are now in calibration mode.
    Press the on/off bottom once.
    The scale will now show 2000.
    Put the calibration weight of 2kg on the scale.
    Press the on/off button once.
    The scale will now show 'CAL' then 'PASS'.
    Your scale is now calibrated.
    You can use it (again) now.

    Gesteld op 3-8-2011 om 14:19 in forum TCM 216906 Misbruik melden

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