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8. Remove the plug8 from the mains sock-
et after use. This is the only way to en-
sure that the machine is completely free
of current.
6.2 Regulating temperature
The best cooking temperature depends
chiefly on the type of food being cooked.
During operation, the temperature indi-
cator light4 (and thus the heater) will
continually switch on and off. This
serves to maintain as constant a temper-
ature as possible.
In the higher temperature range, the
heater will switch to continuously on,
with temperature indicator light4 also
remaining permanently on.
1. If the temperature is too high, turn the
temperature regulator3 one notch to-
wards “0”.
2. If the temperature is too low and it is
taking too long to cook, turn the temper-
ature regulator3 one notch towards
6.3 Preparing the raclette
1. Fill the raclette pans9 with your chosen
DANGER! Risk of injury
through burning!
~Do not overfill the pans9, otherwise the
ingredients could be too thick and could
WARNING! Risk of material damage!
~Only use the plastic spatulas10 includ-
ed in the items supplied and under no
circumstances cutlery made of metal.
2. Put the raclette pans9 on the grill in the
3. Remove the raclette pans9 from the ap-
pliance as soon as the ingredients are
4. Slide the contents of the raclette pan9
onto a plate using the plastic spatu-
la10 and enjoy.
As the raclette pans9 have an anti-stick
coating, they do not require oiling be-
fore each use.
If the coating of the raclette pans9 has
been damaged as a result of improper
use, this is not a reason for complaint.
6.4 Grilling with the grill pan
The grill plate1 is for grilling meat, sausag-
es, fruit and vegetables.
7. Cleaning and
To avoid the danger of an electric
shock or damage:
~Remove the plug8 from the mains sock-
et before starting to clean the appli-
~Never immerse the appliance in water,
and protect it from splashes and water
~Before cleaning, allow the appliance to
cool down to avoid the risk of burns.
~Never use abrasive, corrosive or caustic
cleaning materials. This may damage
the appliance and the coated surface of
the grill plate1 and raclette pans9.
NOTE: Don’t wait too long to wash after
cooling so that the food remains don’t dry
on and become difficult to remove.
__321565_B8.book Seite 20 Donnerstag, 19. September 2019 8:15 08

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