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18 GB
covered with aluminium foil, aluminium
containers or heat-resistant materials.
~The power cable must not touch the met-
al surfaces during operation.
DANGER! Risk of injury
through burning
~The metal surfaces become very hot dur-
ing operation. Only touch the handles
and control elements of the device dur-
ing operation.
~The device remains very hot after it is
switched off, and must not be touched.
~Only transport the device when it has
cooled down, and when doing so only
use the handles intended.
~Use oven gloves when cooking food at
high temperature. Otherwise, splashed
fat could cause burns.
~Do not use the appliance without the
grill plate. Otherwise, the heating ele-
ments will be exposed posing a risk of
severe burns if touched.
~If fat on the appliance catches fire do
not use water to extinguish the
fire! There is a risk of explosion or elec-
tric shock. Instead, use a fire blanket or
other appropriate method.
DANGER for birds
~Birds breathe faster, distribute the air
differently in their bodies and are signif-
icantly smaller than humans. For this
reason, it may be dangerous for birds to
inhale even the smallest smoke quanti-
ties, which develop while this device is
running. When using this device, birds
should be relocated into a different
WARNING! Risk of material
~Ensure that the device is switched off be-
fore you plug it into a wall socket.
~Only use the original accessories.
~Do not use kitchen utensils made of met-
al to lift grilled food from the grill plate.
Use e.g. a wooden spatula.
~Do not use any astringent or abrasive
cleaning agents.
~The device is fitted with non-slip plastic
feet. As furniture is coated with a wide
array of varnishes and synthetics, and is
also treated with different care products,
it cannot be fully ruled out that some of
these materials contain ingredients that
could attack and soften the non-slip
plastic feet. If necessary, place a non-
slip mat under the device.
~Only use implements made from wood
or heat-resistant plastic. Metal imple-
ments may damage the coated surface
of the grill plate and the raclette pans.
~Do not leave empty raclette pans on the
plates while the appliance is heating up
or during use. Overheating may result
in damage to the non-stick coating.
~Do not place any items on the appli-
4. Items supplied
1 raclette grill with removable grill plate
8 raclette pans9
8 plastic spatulas10
1 set of user instructions
__321565_B8.book Seite 18 Donnerstag, 19. September 2019 8:15 08

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