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© Siemens AG 2004, C:\Daten_itl\BenQMobile\DTP-Satz\Produkte\AL21_PELICAN\out-
left page (2) of AL21, Pelican, 140mm, en, A31008-H3250-A1-2-7619 (20.02.2006, 13:20)
VAR Language: en; VAR issue date: 051010
Safety precautions
Information for parents
Please read the operating instructions and safety
precautions carefully before use.
Explain the content and the hazards associated
with using the phone to your children.
Remember to comply with
legal requirements and local restric-
tions when using the phone. For ex-
ample, in aeroplanes, petrol
stations, hospitals or while driving.
Mobile phones can interfere with the
functioning of medical devices such
as hearing aids or pacemakers. Keep
a distance of at least 20cm/9 inches
between the phone and pacemaker.
Whilst using the mobile phone, hold it
to the ear furthest away from the
pacemaker. For more information
consult your doctor.
Small parts such as the SIM card,
dust cap, lens ring and lens cap can
be dismantled and swallowed by
small children. The phone must
therefore be stored out of the reach
of small children.
The mains voltage specified on the
power supply unit (V) must not be
exceeded. Otherwise the charging
device may be destroyed.The power
supply must be plugged into an eas-
ily accessible AC mains power sock-
et when charging the battery. The
only way to turn off the charging de-
vice after charging the battery is to
unplug it.
Do not place the phone near to elec-
tromagnetic data carriers such as
credit cards and floppy disks. Infor-
mation stored on them could be lost.
Only use original batteries (100%
mercury-free) and -charging devic-
es. Otherwise you risk serious dam-
age to health and property.The
battery could explode, for instance.
Tones, music and handsfree talking
are reproduced through the loud-
speaker. Do not hold the phone to
your ear when it rings or when you
have switched on the handsfree
function. Otherwise you risk serious
permanent damage to your hearing.
Permanent hearing loss may occur
if you use ear- or headphones at
high volume.You can adapt over
time to a higher volume, which may
sound normal but can be damaging
to your hearing. Set your volume to
a safe level. If you experience ring-
ing in your ears, reduce the volume
or discontinue use of your system.
You may only open the phone to re-
place the battery (100 % mercury-
free) or SIM card. You must not
open the battery under any circum-
stances. All other changes to this
device are strictly prohibited and will
invalidate the guarantee.
The phone may cause interference in
the vicinity of TV sets, radios
and PCs.
Use only original accessories. This
will avoid potential risks to health or
property and ensure compliance with
all relevant regulations.
Improper use will invalidate the guarantee! These
safety instructions also apply to original
Manufactured by BenQ Mobile GmbH & Co. OHG
under trademark license of Siemens AG.
Ref.No.: A31008-H3250-A1-2-7619

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