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© Siemens AG 2004, C:\Daten_itl\BenQMobile\DTP-Satz\Produkte\AL21_PELICAN\out-
left page (14) of AL21, Pelican, 140mm, en, A31008-H3250-A1-2-7619 (20.02.2006, 13:20)
VAR Language: en; VAR issue date: 051010
tee must be submitted within two months of the
Guarantee default becoming evident.
Ownership of devices or components replaced
by and returned to BenQ Mobile shall vest in
BenQ Mobile.
This Guarantee shall apply to new devices pur-
chased in the European Union. For Products
sold in the Republic of Ireland the Guarantee is
issued by BenQ Mobile UK, Branch Ireland,
1st Floor, Riverview House, 21–23 City Quay,
Dublin– The Republic of Ireland.
Any other claims resulting out of or in connection
with the device shall be excluded from this Guar-
antee. Nothing in this Guarantee shall attempt to
limit or exclude a Customers Statutory Rights,
nor the manufacturer’s liability for death or per-
sonal injury resulting from its negligence.
The duration of the Guarantee shall not be ex-
tended by services rendered under the terms of
the Guarantee.
Insofar as no Guarantee default exists,
BenQ Mobile reserves the right to charge the
customer for replacement or repair.
The above provisions does not imply a change in
the burden of proof to the detriment of the cus-
To invoke this Guarantee, please contact our
online support on the Internet
www.BenQMobile.com/customercare or the tel-
ephone service. The relevant number is to be
found in the accompanying user guide.
License Agreement
This License Agreement ("Agreement") is between
You and BenQ Mobile GmbH & Co. OHG,
Germany ("BenQ"). The Agreement authorizes
You to use the Licensed Software, specified in
Clause 1 below, which may be included in your
phone, stored on a CD-ROM, sent to You by elec-
tronic mail or over the air, downloaded from BenQ
Web pages or servers or from other sources under
the terms and conditions set forth below.
Read this Agreement carefully before using your
phone. By using your phone or installing, copying,
and/or using the Licensed Software, You acknowl-
edge that You have read and understood the
Agreement and agree to be bound by all of the
terms and conditions stated below. You further
agree that if BenQ or any licensor of BenQ
("Licensor") is required to engage in any proceed-
ing, legal or otherwise, to enforce their rights under
this Agreement, BenQ and/or its Licensor shall be
entitled to recover from You, in addition to any oth-
er sums due, reasonable attorney's fees, costs and
disbursements. If You do not agree to all of the
terms and conditions of this Agreement, do not in-
stall or use the Licensed Software. This Agreement
governs any Updates, releases, revisions, or en-
hancements to the Licensed Software.
1. LICENSED SOFTWARE. As used in this
Agreement, the term "Licensed Software" means
collectively: all the software in Your phone, all of
the contents of the disk(s), CD-ROM(s), electronic
mail and its file attachments, or other media with
which this Agreement is provided and includes any
related BenQ or third party software and upgrades,
modified versions, updates, additions and copies
of the Licensed Software, if any, distributed over
the air, downloaded from BenQ Web pages or
servers or from other sources.
2. COPYRIGHT. The Licensed Software and all
related rights, without limitation including proprie-
tary rights therein, are owned by BenQ, its Licen-
sors or affiliates and are protected by international
treaty provisions and all applicable national laws.
This Agreement does not convey to You nor allow
You to acquire any title or ownership interest in the
Licensed Software or rights therein. The structure,
organization, data and code of the Licensed Soft-
ware are the valuable trade secrets and confiden-
tial information of BenQ, its Licensors or affiliates.
You must reproduce and include the copyright no-
tices with any permitted copies You make of the Li-
censed Software.
3. LICENSE AND USE. BenQ grants to You a
non-exclusive, non-transferable end user right to
install the Licensed Software or use the Licensed
Software installed on the phone. The Licensed
Software is licensed with the phone as a single in-
tegrated product and may be used with the phone
only as set forth in these licensing terms.
copy, distribute, or make derivative works of the Li-
censed Software except as follows:
(a) You may make one copy of the Licensed
Software, excluding the documentation, as an ar-
chival backup copy of the original. Any other copies

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Andere handleiding(en) van Siemens al21

Siemens al21 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 16 pagina's

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