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© Siemens AG 2004, C:\Daten_itl\BenQMobile\DTP-Satz\Produkte\AL21_PELICAN\out-
left page (16) of AL21, Pelican, 140mm, en, A31008-H3250-A1-2-7619 (20.02.2006, 13:20)
VAR Language: en; VAR issue date: 051010
BenQ and where applicable its Licensors in the Li-
censed Software shall be free to use any feedback
received from You resulting from your access to
and use of the Licensed Software for any purpose
including (without limitation) the manufacture, mar-
keting and maintenance or support of products and
11. EXPORT CONTROL. The Licensed Software
may include technical data and cryptographic soft-
ware and is subject to German, European Union
and U.S. export controls and may be subject to im-
port or export controls in other countries. You
agree to strictly comply with all applicable import
and export laws and regulations. Specifically, You
agree, to the extent required by U.S. Export Admin-
istration Regulations, that You shall not disclose or
otherwise export or re-export the Licensed Soft-
ware or any part thereof delivered under this
Agreement to (a) Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Libya, North Ko-
rea, Sudan, Syria or any other country (including a
national or resident of such country) to which the
U.S. has restricted or prohibited the export of
goods or services.
of Germany govern this Agreement. No choice of
law rules of any jurisdiction will apply. The courts in
Munich shall settle any disputes arising out of or re-
lating to this Agreement provided you are a mer-
13. MISCELLANEOUS. This Agreement repre-
sents the entire agreement between You and
BenQ relating to the Licensed Software and (i) su-
persedes all prior or contemporaneous oral or writ-
ten communications, proposals, and
representations with respect to its subject matter;
and (ii) prevails over any conflicting or additional
terms of any acknowledgement or similar commu-
nication between the parties during the term of this
License. Notwithstanding the foregoing, some
products of BenQ may require You to agree to ad-
ditional terms through an on-line "click-wrap" li-
cense, and such terms shall supplement this
Agreement. If any provision of this Agreement is
held invalid, all other provisions shall remain valid
unless such validity would frustrate the purpose of
this Agreement, and this Agreement shall be en-
forced to the full extent allowable under applicable
law. No modification to this Agreement is binding,
unless in writing and signed by a duly authorized
representative of each party. This Agreement shall
be binding on and shall inure to the benefit of the
heirs, successors, and assigns of the parties here-
to. The failure of either party to enforce any right re-
sulting from the breach of any provision of this
Agreement by the other party will not be deemed a
waiver of any right related to a subsequent breach
of such provision or any other right hereunder. Not-
withstanding anything to the contrary in this Agree-
ment, BenQ and/or its licensors may enforce its
rights, including but not limited to copyright, trade-
mark or trade names, in accordance with the rules
of law in each country.
All electrical and electronic products
should be disposed of separately from
the municipal waste stream via
designated collection facilities
appointed by the government or the local
This crossed-out wheeled bin symbol on the
product means the product is covered by the
European Directive 2002/96/EC.
The correct disposal and separate collection of
your old appliance will help prevent potential
negative consequences for the environment and
human health. It is a precondition for reuse and
recycling of used electrical and electronic
For more detailed information about disposal of
your old appliance, please contact your city office,
waste disposal service or the shop where you
purchased the product.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Siemens al21

Siemens al21 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 16 pagina's

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