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Fitting the cutter bar and the chaine (Fig. 7-12)
Remove the chain wheel cover (pos 7/ Item J) by
undoing the fastening nut (14). Lay the chain (Item F)
as shown into the groove which runs around the cutter
bar (Item E).
Note the alignment of the chain teeth (pos 11). Insert the
cutter bar as shown in Fig. 10 into the mount at the gear
Place the chain round the chain wheel (Item H). Ma-
ke sure that the teeth of the chain engage securely in
the chain wheel. The cutter bar must be hooked into the
chain tensioning bolt (Item G).
Fit the chain wheel cover
Important! Do not fully tighten the fastening screw
until after you have adjusted the chain tension
(see section 7.1).
Tensioning the chain (Fig. 7-12)
Undo the fastening screw (pos. 14) of the chain wheel
cover by a few turns .
Adjust the chain tension with the chain tensioning screw
( pos 20). Turning the screw clockwise increases the
chain tension, turning it counterclockwise decreases the
chain tension. The chain is correctly tensioned if it can
be raised by around 2 mm in the middle of the cutter bar
(Fig. 11).
Tighten the xing screw of the chain wheel cover.
Important! All the chain links must lie properly in the gui-
de groove of the cutter bar.
Notes on tensioning the chain:
The chain must be properly tensioned to ensure safe
operation. When the saw chain can be raised by around
2 mm in the middle of the cutter bar, you know that the
chain tension is ideal. During cutting, the temperature
of the chain rises and its length changes. It is important
therefore to check the chain tension at least every 10
minutes and to adjust it again as required. This applies
in particular to new saw chains. When you have  nished
working, slacken the chain again as it will shorten when
it cools down. This will help to prevent damage to the
Make sure that the adjustment buttons return to their ini-
tial position after adjustment. Otherwise, the tool will not
Do not connect the tool to the electricity supply until as-
sembly has been completed. If this is not done, the de-
vice could start unintentionally and cause severe injuries.
8. Working instructions
Find safe footing, operate the device with both hands
and turn it on.
Cut the hedge from both sides and start at the bottom.
In this way, you can prevent cutting-waste falling into the
area that still needs to be cut.
Guide the device gently through the area of the hedge.
Do not attempt to cut too deeply.
Then cut the upper part of the hedge.
For older hedges which need more pruning, cut stronger
branches and twigs with loppers rst before cutting the
hedge with the device.
Working with pole saw
Oiling of the chain and bar
It is recommended to use commercial chain oil.
Remove the oil tank cap. (15)
Fill the chain oil tank to 80% with chain oil.
Close Oil tank cap
Oil Supply Control
Always make sure the automatic oiler system is working
properly. Keep the oil tank lled with Chain, Bar and
Sprocket Oil.
Adequate lubrication of the bar and chain during cutting
operations is essential to minimize friction with the guide bar.
Never starve the bar and chain of lubricating oil. Running
the saw dry or with too little oil will decrease cutting e󰀩ci-
ency, shorten saw chain life, cause rapid dulling of chain,
and lead to excessive wear of bar from overheating. Too
little oil is evidenced by smoke or bar discoloration.
To check the saw chain lubrication, hold the chain saw
with the saw chain over a piece of paper and give a few
seconds of full throttle.
The oil quantity can be checked on the paper. The chain
must always be thrown o󰀨 a small amount of oil. After a
few seconds, a light oil trail must be visible.
Precautions for Saw procedure
Never stand under the branch you want to saw. Use spe-
cial caution when working with branches under tension
and splintering wood. Possible risk of injury caused by
falling branches and catapulting pieces of wood. In gene-
ral, it is recommended to set the pruning saw at an angle
of 60 ° to the road.
Keep both hands well with the device during the cutting
process and pay you up to an equilibrium position and a
good level.
Never try to use your tool with one hand. The loss of con-
trol of your tool can cause serious injury or death. Never
work on a ladder, a tree branch or other unstable sur-
Never cut with the upper edge or the tip of the cutter bar.
Make sure that the chain tension is always correctly ad-
Practice for guiding the device slight pressure, but you do
not overload the motor.
Clear the work area before cutting interfering branches
and undergrowth. Then you create a retreat area, far
from the spot where the cut branches fall on, and remove
any obstacles there. Keep the work area clean, remo-
ve the cut branches immediately. Pay attention to your
point, wind direction and the possible direction of fall of
the branches.
Be prepared that fallen branches can strike back. Place
all other tools and equipment at a safe distance from the
branches to be cut, but not in the retreat area.

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