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6. Technical data
Hedge trimmer
Technical data
Cutting data hedge trimme
Cutting circle diameter
mm 18
Bar length mm 450
Cutting length mm 410
Max. cutting speed
max. min-1 1540
Telescope length min./
max. mm 1900-2500
Tilting range 0° - 120°
Power unit
Engine V / Hz 230-240 / 50
Engine output W 500
Weight kg 3,4
Pole saw
Technical data
Data pole saw
Bar length mm 240
Cutting length mm 190
Guide bar typ Oregon 552912
chain pitch 3/8"
Saw chain type 91P033X
Chain link thickness " 1,3
Max. cutting speed
max. min-1 3800
Telescope length min./
max. mm 1580 - 2150
Power unit
Motor V / Hz 230-240 / 50
Engine output W 710
Weight kg 3,1
Subject to technical changes!
Information concerning noise emission measured
according to relevant standards:
Sound pressure LpA = 93 dB(A)
Sound power LWA = 100 dB(A)
Uncertainty KPA = 3 dB(A)
Wear ear-mu󰀨s.
The impact of noise can cause damage to hearing.
Vibration left hand Ahv = 4,885 m/s2
Vibration right hand Ahv = 3,556 m/s2
Uncertainty KPA = 1.5 m/s2
Reduce noise generation and vibration to a minimum!
Use only equipment that is in perfect condition.
Maintain and clean the equipment regularly.
Adopt your way of working to the equipment.
Do not overload the equipment.
Have the equipment checked if necessary.
Switch o󰀨 the equipment when not in use.
Wear gloves.
In these operating instructions we have marked the
places that have to do with your safety with this sign: m
7. Attachment and operation
ATTENTION! Before working on the device - cleaning,
inspection, maintenance or other work - always turn o󰀨
the device and separate it from the power supply.
Assembling the motor casing (Fig. 2)
Open the qick acting lock (11) from the motor casing
Insert the telescopic tube (6) into the casing‘s hol-
ding xture.
Close the casing‘s quick acting lock (11) again,
Attaching the shoulder strap, Fig. 3
Assembly and use:
Fix the shoulder strap on the ap (4)
By changing the adjuster, the length of the shoulder
strap can be altered. Adjust the length of the shoul-
der strap in such a way that it ensures a comfortable
working posture.
Put the shoulder strap over your right shoulder.
Carry the tool‘s motor on the right side of your body.
Never put the shoulder strap over your shoulder
and across your chest, but put it on one shoulder.
In this way, you will be able to quickly remove the
tool from your body in case of emergency.
m Warning! Use only original manufacturer‘s repla-
cement parts, accessories and attachments. Failure
to do so can cause poor performance, possible injury
and may void your warranty. Never use the machine
without the guard assembled!
Starting and stopping the telescopic hedge trim-
mer, (Fig. 4)
Starting the device: First, press the safety switch (3)
on the back handle left, then the trigger (2). After
starting the motor, you can release the safety switch
Stopping the device: Let go of the trigger (2).
Adjusting the telescopic tube (Fig. 5)
Disconnect the tool from the electricity supply
Open the locking handle (5) for length adjustment
Adjust the telescopic tube (6) to the required length.
After the adjustment, close the locking handle (5)
again, so that the length adjustment is secure.
Adjusting the motor head (Fig.6)
Disconnect the tool from the electricity supply
Angle adjustment A
Press the button (10) for the angle adjustment on
both sides and rotate the head to the required positi-
on (from 0° to 120°). Make sure that the motor head
clicks into place again.

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