Pagina terug
Pagina verder
List of Parts....................................................................................... 2
Installing the Wall Mount Kit ................................................ 2
Viewing the Control Panel ......................................................... 3
Viewing the Connection Panel ................................................. 4
Viewing the Remote Control ..................................................... 6
Installing Batteries in the Remote Control ........................... 6
Switching On and Off .................................................................. 7
Placing Your Television in Standby Mode ............................. 7
Plug & Play ....................................................................................... 7
Storing Channels Automatically .............................................. 8
Storing Channels Manually ........................................................ 8
Setting the Channel Manager .................................................. 9
Activating the Child Lock ...................................................... 10
Sorting the Stored Channels ..................................................... 10
Assigning Channels Names ....................................................... 11
Fine Tuning Channel Reception ............................................... 11
Using the LNA (Low Noise Amplifier) Feature .................... 12
Changing the Picture Standard ................................................ 12
Adjusting the Custom Picture................................................... 12
Changing the Colour Tone ......................................................... 13
Adjusting the Color Tone with the Preferred Color
Component...................................................................................... 13
Resetting the Picture Settings to the
Factory Defaults ............................................................................. 13
Changing the Picture Size .......................................................... 14
Changing the Auto Wide (4:3) .................................................. 14
Freezing the Current Picture ..................................................... 15
Digital Noise Reduction .............................................................. 15
DNIe Demo (Digital Natural Image engine) ........................ 15
Viewing the Picture In Picture (PIP) ........................................ 16
Changing the Sound Standard ........................................... 17
Adjusting the Sound Settings ............................................. 17
Setting the TruSurround XT (SRS TSXT) ........................... 17
Adjusting the Volume Automatically ................................ 18
Selecting the Internal Mute .................................................. 18
Listening to the Sound of the Sub Picture...................... 18
Resetting the Sound Settings to the
Factory Defaults ........................................................................ 19
Connecting Headphones ...................................................... 19
Selecting the Sound Mode ................................................... 19
Setting and Displaying the Current Time ........................ 19
Setting the Sleep Timer.......................................................... 20
Switching the Television
On and Off Automatically ..................................................... 20
Choosing Your Language ...................................................... 21
Using Game Mode ................................................................... 21
Setting the Blue Screen Mode /
Selecting the Melody ............................................................. 22
Using the Energy Saving Feature ....................................... 22
Selecting the Source ............................................................... 23
Editing the Input Source Names ........................................ 23
Using the WISELINK Function .............................................. 24
Using the WISELINK Menu .................................................... 25
Using the PHOTO (JPEG) List ................................................ 25
Viewing Photo File Information .......................................... 27
Selecting a Photo and Slide Show ..................................... 27
Rotating ....................................................................................... 28
Zooming-in ................................................................................. 29
Copying Image Files ................................................................ 30
Deleting Image Files................................................................ 30
Printing a Photo ........................................................................ 31
Using the MP3 List ................................................................... 31
Copying Music Files ................................................................. 32
Deleting Music Files ................................................................ 32
Using the Setup Menu ........................................................... 33
Teletext Decoder ...................................................................... 34
Displaying the Teletext Information .................................. 34
Selecting a Specific Teletext Page ...................................... 35
Using Fastext to Select a Teletext Page ............................ 35
Setting Up Your Remote Control ........................................ 36
Remote Control Codes ........................................................... 38
Setting up Your PC Software
(Based on Windows XP) ......................................................... 41
Display Modes ........................................................................... 41
Setting the PC ............................................................................ 42
Using the Anti-Theft Kensington Lock ............................. 43
Before Contacting Service Personnel ............................... 43
Technical and Environmental Specifications ................ 44
Warning! Important Safety Instructions
Wiring the Mains Power Supply Plug (UK Only)
Warranty Card
Symbol Press Important Note One-Touch
BN68-01047Q-00Eng.indd 1BN68-01047Q-00Eng.indd 1 2006-08-28  8:11:142006-08-28  8:11:14

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  • Mijn TV heeft het na 6 jaar opgegeven. Bij het aanzetten hoor je alleen nog het tikken van een relais, 2 seconden in ,2 seconden uit. Wat kan dit zijn en loont een reparatie de moeite en kosten?? Gesteld op 21-1-2012 om 10:38

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    • Mijn Samsung LE46M86 heeft ook dit klikkend geluid. Na een half uur klikken gaat ie toch uiteindelijk aan.
      Met Google gezocht in het Engels: LE46M86 clicking repair
      Blijkt dat op de voedingsprint een paar elco's vervangen moeten worden om het probleem op te lossen. Even googelen voor de specs. Het schijnt heel veel voor te komen, want zelfs op Youtube staan films hoe de reparatie zelf uit te voeren. Samsung heeft slechte condensatoren gebruikt. Samsung onderkent het probleem niet. Internet staat er vol van...
      Geantwoord op 24-11-2012 om 23:35

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