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22 English
To use a mouse with the
product's menu:
1. Connect the USB mouse to
2. Click the primary button you
selected in Mouse Settings.
The Simple Menu appears.
3. Click the menu options you
Some USB HID keyboards and
mice may not be compatible with
your product.
Some HID keyboard keys may
not work.
Wired USB keyboards are not
Some applications may not be
If a wireless HID Keyboard does not
operate because of interference,
move the keyboard closer to the
The default security PIN is 0000.
Enter the default PIN to access
the security function if you haven't
created your own PIN.
BD Parental Rating: Restrict
playback of Blu-ray discs with
specific ratings unless the PIN is
DVD Parental Rating: Prevents
playback of DVDs with a rating
above a specific numerical rating
you have set unless the PIN is
Change PIN: Change the 4-digit
PIN used to access security
If you forget your PIN
1. Remove any disc or USB
storage device.
2. Press and hold the
on the front panel for 5
seconds or more.
All settings will revert to the
factory default settings.
When the factory default settings
are restored, all the user stored
BD data is deleted.
You can specify the display
brightness and time zone.
Front Display: Lets you change the
brightness of the front panel.
Time Zone: You can specify the
time zone that is applicable to your
Menu Transparency: Adjust the
transparency of the menu box.
Anynet+ is a convenient function
that offers linked operations with
other Samsung products that have
the Anynet+ feature and lets you
control those products with one
Samsung TV remote. To operate
this function, you must connect this
product to an Anynet+ Samsung TV
using an HDMI Cable.
If you want to use an Anynet+
(HDMI-CEC) function, please follow
the instructions below.
Connect the product to an
Anynet+ (HDMI-CEC)-compliant
Samsung TV using HDMI Cable.
Set the Anynet+ (HDMI-CEC)
feature to On in both the TV and
the product.
Search for and then select the
product in the TV's Anynet+
(HDMI-CEC) list. For more exact
instructions, see the Anynet+
section of the TV's user's
DivX® Video
On Demand
View DivX® VOD Registration
Codes to purchase and play DivX®
VOD contents.
HT-FS9200-XU_0604.indd 22HT-FS9200-XU_0604.indd 22 2013-06-04 오전 10:33:212013-06-04 오전 10:33:21

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Andere handleiding(en) van Samsung HT-FS9200

Samsung HT-FS9200 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands, Deutsch, Français - 177 pagina's

Samsung HT-FS9200 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Italiano, Português, Espanõl - 236 pagina's

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