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English 21
Wi-Fi Direct
Lets you connect a Wi-Fi Direct
device to the product using a peer-
to-peer network, without the need
for a wireless router.
Note that if the product is connected
to a wireless network, it may be
disconnected when you use Wi-Fi
Text files, such as files with a .TXT
or .DOC extension, will not display
when you are using the Wi-Fi
Direct function.
Lets you control which devices on
your network, such as smart phones
and tablets, can share content with
your TV.
Device Name
Lets you assign an identifying name
to the product. You use this name
to identify the product when you are
connecting external Wi-Fi devices
(smart phones, tablets, etc.) to it.
Set various BD-Live functions.
BD-Live allows you to access extra
features available on some Blu-ray
Discs if you are connected to the
BD-Live Internet Connection :
Lets you fully allow, partly allow,
or prohibit a BD-Live Internet
BD Data Management : Manage
BD data downloaded from a BD-
Live service or Blu-ray Disc.
Smart Features
Apps Settings
Lets you configure App notification
settings and view basic info about
your Apps.
Push Notification Settings :
Receive notifications from selected
Properties : See basic info about
VOD Rating
You can lock access to Video on
Demand (VOD) content based on its
The default security PIN is 0000.
Depending on your country,
this menu function may not be
Terms &
Privacy Policy
Lets you view the Smart Hub Terms
and Conditions and Privacy Policy.
Reset Smart
Resets all Smart Hub settings to
their default settings.
The default security PIN is 0000.
Lets you re-run the Initial Settings
You can select the language you
prefer for the On-Screen menu, disc
menu, subtitles, etc.
• The language you select for the
disc menu, disc audio, or subtitles
will only appear if it is supported
on the disc.
You can connect a wireless USB
keyboard or mouse to the USB port
on the front of the product.
Keyboard Settings: Lets you
configure a wireless USB keyboard
connected to the product.
You can use the keyboard only
when a QWERTY keyboard
screen or window appears in the
Web Browser.
Mouse Settings: Lets you
configure a wireless USB mouse
connected to the product. You can
use the mouse in the product's
menu in the same way you use a
mouse on your PC.
HT-FS9200-XU_0604.indd 21HT-FS9200-XU_0604.indd 21 2013-06-04 오전 10:33:212013-06-04 오전 10:33:21

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Andere handleiding(en) van Samsung HT-FS9200

Samsung HT-FS9200 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands, Deutsch, Français - 177 pagina's

Samsung HT-FS9200 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Italiano, Português, Espanõl - 236 pagina's

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