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20 English
Smart Hub
Screen Size
Lets you select the optimal size for
the Smart Hub Screen.
HDMI Colour
Lets you set the colour space format
for the HDMI output to match the
capabilities of the connected device
(TV, monitor, etc).
Lets you set the product to output
video from the HDMI OUT jack with
Deep Colour. Deep Colour provides
more accurate colour reproduction
with greater colour depth.
Lets you improve picture quality
when viewing DVDs.
Lets you adjust the following
speaker settings.
: Lets you adjust the relative
loudness of each speaker from 6db
to -6db. For example, if you like
deep bass, you can increase the
loudness of the subwoofer by 6db.
: Lets you adjust the
relative distance of each speaker
from the listening position up to 9
meters. The farther the distance,
the louder the speaker will be.
Lets you configure the Equaliser
settings manually.
Smart Volume
Lets you set the product so that
the volume remains stable when a
scene change occurs or when you
change the channel.
Lets you select which speakers you
want active, either the TV's speakers
or the home cinema's speakers.
Audio Return
Lets you direct the sound from the
TV to the Home Cinema speakers.
Requires a HDMI connection and
an Audio Return Channel (ARC)
compatible TV.
• If Audio Return Channel is set to
on and you are using an HDMI
Cable to connect the product to
the TV, digital optical input will not
• If Audio Return Channel is set to
auto and you are using an HDMI
Cable to connect the product to
the TV, ARC or digital optical input
is selected automatically.
Digital Output
Lets you set the Digital Output to
match the capabilities of the AV
receiver you’ve connected to the
product. For more details, please
refer to the digital output selection
table. (See page 53)
Lets you apply dynamic range
control to Dolby Digital, Dolby Digital
Plus, and Dolby TrueHD audio.
Auto: Automatically controls the
dynamic range of Dolby TrueHD
audio, based on information in the
Dolby TrueHD soundtrack. Also
turns dynamic range control off for
Dolby Digital and Dolby Digital Plus.
Off: Leaves the dynamic range
uncompressed, letting you hear the
original sound.
On: Turns dynamic range control on
for all three Dolby formats. Quieter
sounds are made louder and the
volume of loud sounds is reduced.
Lets you select the multi-channel
downmix method that is compatible
with your stereo system. You
can choose to have the product
downmix to normal stereo or in
surround compatible stereo.
Audio Sync
When the product is attached to a
digital TV, lets you adjust the audio
delay so that the audio syncs with
the video. You can set the delay
between 0 and 300 milliseconds.
Lets you check the current network
and Internet status.
Configure the network connection
so you can enjoy various features
such as Internet services or AllShare
Wi-Fi functionality, and perform
software upgrades.
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Andere handleiding(en) van Samsung HT-FS9200

Samsung HT-FS9200 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands, Deutsch, Français - 177 pagina's

Samsung HT-FS9200 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Italiano, Português, Espanõl - 236 pagina's

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