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Power Requirements
Power Consumption
Operating Temperature Range
Operating Humidity Range
: Nominal specification
CD : 12Cm
CD : 8Cm
VCD : 12Cm
Composite Video
2 channel
*Frequency Response
*S/N Ratio
*Dynamic Range
*Total Harmonic Distortion
AC 100~240V, 50/60 Hz
16 W
1.5 Kg (without battery pack)
301mm (W) x 29.5 mm (H) x 203mm (D)
+5°C to +35°C
10 % to 75 %
Reading Speed : 3.49 m/sec.
Approx. Play Time
(Single Sided, Single Layer Disc) : 135 min.
Reading Speed : 1.2 to 1.4m/sec.
Maximum Play Time : 74 min.
Reading Speed : 1.2 to 1.4m/sec.
Maximum Play Time : 20 min.
Reading Speed : 1.2 to 1.4m/sec.
Maximum Play Time : 74 min. (Video + Audio)
1 channel : 1.0 Vp-p (75 load)
Luminance Signal : 1.0 Vp-p (75 load)
Chrominance Signal : 0.286 Vp-p (75 load)
L(1/L), R(2/R)
48 kHz Sampling : 4 Hz to 22 kHz
96 kHz Sampling : 4 Hz to 44 kHz
110 dB
100 dB
0.004 %
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd reserves the right to change the specifications without notice.
Weight and dimensions are approximate.
Video does not appear with a
external component connected to
the DVD player
Dolby Digital audio volume is
too low
Battery pack wont charge
Power does not turn on
Power charge lamp does
not light (Battery pack wont
Power charge lamp quickly
flashes Green
Check that the TV is set to VIDEO or AV.
Check that the video or audio cable is securely connected.
Change the Dynamic Compressionsetting to On. This will turn up the comparatively
low volume level of Dolby Digital, which provides the most wide, dynamic sound range.
Check that the DVD player is turned off.
You cannot charge the battery pack with the player turned on.
A hot battery pack may take longer to charge.
Wait until the battery pack is sufficiently cooled down.
Replace with a fully charged battery pack or use the AC adapter.
Replace with a fully charged battery pack or use the AC adapter.
If the DVD player is overheated and the battery packs internal temperature goes up
to a certain level, you will not be able to charge the battery pack.
In this occurs, remove the battery pack. After the battery pack has sufficiently
cooled down, charging will begin automatically.
Check that the temperature is within the range of 10
Check that the DC cord of the AC adapter is plugged in correctly.
Remove the DC cord from the battery pack and then re-plug.
If the battery pack is installed, remove the DC cord from the battery pack before
performing above procedure.
Recharge a different power pack. If the same symptom occurs, your
AC adapter may be defective. If the second battery pack charges without any
problem, your first battery pack may be defective or needs battery replacement.
Symptom Check
Battery pack
Battery pack

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Andere handleiding(en) van Samsung DVD-L1200W

Samsung DVD-L1200W Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 63 pagina's

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