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This Samsung product is warranted for the period of twelve
(12) months from the original date of purchase, against
defective materials and workmanship. In the event that
warranty service is required, you should return the product to
the retailer from whom it was purchased.
However, Samsung Authorised Dealers and Authorised Service
Centres in other EC Countries will comply with the warranty on
the terms issued to purchasers in the country concerned.
In case of difficulty, details of our Authorised Service Centres
are available from:
Samsung Electronics (U.K.) Ltd.,
Euro Service Centre, Stafford Park 12,
TELFORD, Shropshire TF3 3BJ,
Tel: 0870) 242 0303, Fax: 01952 297617
1. The warranty is only valid if, when warranty service is
required, the warranty card is fully and properly completed
and is presented with the original invoice or sales slip or
confirmation, and the serial number on the product has not
been defaced.
2. Samsungs obligations are limited to the repair or, at its
discretion, replacement of the product or the defective part.
3. Warranty repairs must be carried out by Authorised Samsung
Dealers or Authorised Service Centres.
No re-imbursement will be made for repairs carried out by
non Samsung Dealers and, any such repair work and
damage to the products caused by such repair work will not
be covered by this warranty.
4. This product is not considered to be defective in materials
nor workmanship by reason that it requires adaptation in
order to conform to national or local technical or safety
standards in force in any Country other than the one for
which the product was originally designed and
manufactured. This warranty will not cover, and no
re-imbursement will be made for such adaptation nor any
damage which may result.
5. This warranty covers none of the following:
a) Periodic check ups, maintenance and repair or
replacement of parts due to normal wear and tear.
b) Cost relating to transport, removal or installation of the
c) Misuse, including the faiure to use this product for its
normal purposes or incorrect installation.
d) Damage caused by Lightning, Water, Fire, Acts of God,
War, Public Disturbances, incorrect mains voltage,
improper ventilation or any other cause beyond the
control of Samsung.
6. This warranty is valid for any person who legally acquired
possession of the product during the warranty period.
7. The consumers statutory rights in any applicable national
legislation whether against the retailer arising from the
purchase contract or otherwise are not affected by this
warranty. Unless there is national legislation to the contrary,
the rights under this warranty are the consumers sole rights
and Samsung, its subsidiaries and distributors shall not be
liable for indirect or consequential loss or any damage to
records, compact discs, videos or audio taper or any other
related equipment or material.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Samsung DVD-L1200W

Samsung DVD-L1200W Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 63 pagina's

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