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Step 4.3 Performing final check and trial
1. Check the following:
Strength of the installation site
Tightness of pipe connection to detect gas
Electric wiring connection
Heat-resistant insulation of the pipe
Grounding conductor connection
Correct operation (Take the following steps.)
2. Press the
(Power) button on the remote
control to check the following:
The indicator on the indoor unit lights up.
The airflow blade opens and the fan gears up
for operation.
3. Press the
(Mode) button to select Cool or Heat
mode. Then take the following sub-steps:
In Cool mode, use the Temperature button to
set the set temperature to 16 °C.
In Heat mode, use the Temperature button to
set the set temperature to 30 °C.
Check whether, approximately 3 to 5 minutes
later, the outdoor unit starts, and a cool or
warm air blows out.
After 12 minutes of stationary condition, check
the indoor unit air treatment.
4. Press the
(Air swing) button to check whether
the airflow blades work properly.
5. Press the
(Power) button to stop the trial
Pumping down refrigerant
Pump-down is an operation intended to collect
all the system refrigerant in the outdoor unit. This
operation must be carried out before disconnecting the
refrigerant tubing in order to avoid refrigerant loss to the
1. Shut off the liquid valve with the Allen wrench.
2. Turn on the air conditioner in cooling with fan
operating at high velocity. (Compressor will
immediately start, provided 3 minutes have
elapsed since the last stop.)
3. After 2 minutes of operation, shut the suction
valve with the same wrench.
4. Turn off the air conditioner and switch mains
supply off.
5. Disconnect tubing. After disconnection, protect
valves and tubing ends from dust.
Compressor damage may occur if the compressor is
run at a negative suction pressure.
Pumping down for removing the product
1. Turn on th air conditioner and select Fast Cool
2. Let the compressor run for more than 5 minutes.
If the compressor does not operate for more than
5 minutes due to protection control, wait about 2
minutes, and then carry out the next procedure.
3. Release the valve caps on High and Low pressure
4. Use L-wrench to close the valve on the high
pressure side.
5. After approximately 1 minute, close the valve on
the low pressure side.
6. Stop operation of the air conditioner by pressing
(Power) button on the indoor unit or
remote control.
7. Disconnect the pipes.
Gas service port
<Low pressure>
Liquid service port
<High pressure>
1 minute
DB68-06031A-01_A5.indd 45 4/18/2017 9:00:06 AM

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