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Installation Inspection
Step 4.1 Performing the gas leak tests
1. Before inspecting the leakage, use a torque
wrench to close the cap for the stop valve.
(Comply with a tightening torque for each size
of the diameter, and tighten the cap firmly to
prevent any leakage.)
Tightening torque for body cap
(Refer to the table)
Charging core
R-22: Thread of the screw - 7/16-2OUNF
R-410A: Thread of the screw -1/2-2OUNF
Tightening torque for charging port cap (Refer to the table)
2. Insert inert gas into the pipes connected to indoor
and outdoor units.
3. Test leakage on the connection parts of the indoor
and outdoor units with soap lather or liquid.
Test parts for the
indoor unit
Test parts for the
indoor unit
Test parts for the
indoor unit
Test parts for the
indoor unit
Step 4.2 Running the Smart Install mode
1. Make sure that the air conditioner is in the
standby status.
2. Hold down the
(Power), (Mode), and
(SET) buttons on the remote control
simultaneously for 4 seconds.
3. Wait until Smart Install mode succeeds or fails. It
takes approximately 7 to 13 minutes.
While Smart Install mode is proceeding:
LED Display
The progress is
displayed as a
number between
0 and 99 on
the indoor unit
The LEDs on
the indoor unit
display blink in
sequence, then
all of them blink
These operations
When Smart Install mode succeeds: Smart
Install mode ends with ringing sound, and the air
conditioner is in standby status.
When Smart Install mode fails: An error message
is displayed on the indoor unit display, and Smart
Install mode ends.
Smart Install mode can be operated only with the
supplied remote control.
During the Smart install mode procedure, remote
control cannot be operated.
Outer diameter
Tightening torque
Body cap
Charging port cap (N•m)
ø 6.35 20 to 25
10 to 12
ø 9.52 20 to 25
ø 12.70 25 to 30
ø 15.88 30 to 35
Over ø 19.05 35 to 40
( 1 N•m = 10 kgf•cm )
DB68-06031A-01_A5.indd 43 4/18/2017 9:00:04 AM

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