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3. First Rapid Installation
Your SAGEM AXIUM™ Home Cinema Screen is not preset to receive the wireless channels for your region.
This rapid installation is automatically offered when you set up the appliance. It allows you to configure the basic
elements of your product (menu languages, country, and channel reception).
You can return to these settings at any time (see chapter 6).
Select the menu language using the buttons , validate using the OK
Select the country where you are by using the buttons then validate
with the OK button.
Country Colour System Stereo
France SECAM L Nicam L
Germany PAL B, G Two B/G carriers
Austria PAL B, G Two B/G carriers
Italy PAL B, G Two B/G carriers
Spain PAL B, G Nicam B/G
Netherlands PAL B, G Two B/G carriers
Denmark PAL B, G Nicam B/G
Sweden PAL B, G Nicam B/G
Norway PAL B, G Nicam B/G
Finland PAL B, G Nicam B/G
Belgium PAL B, H Nicam B/G
Switzerland PAL B, G Two B/G carriers
UK PAL I Nicam I
Portugal PAL B, G
Greece PAL, SECAM B, G
After accepting with the OK button, the automatic search begins and the channels
are identified and saved automatically. The most current channels are
automatically put in order according to the country that you chose.
You can also interrupt the search at any time by pressing the MENU button.
4. Description of the buttons and indicator lights
4.1. Buttons the right side door
Channels found :
Frequency :
MENU key to stop searching
Validation button (in menus).
Programme change button.
When the menu is called up, the buttons are used for moving within the screens.
On/off button.
Buttons for adjusting the volume.
2.3. Mains connection
Insert the mains plug into a 220-240V~ 50-60H zelectrical wall socket.
2.4. Switch on
2.5. Switching off your SAGEM AXIUMHome Cinema Screen
To put your SAGEM AXIUM™ Home Cinema Screen into standby, press the standby button on the remote control
or the standby button on the right side door.
You can cancel standby mode within 5 seconds (indicator light flashes green) by pressing the standby button
again on the remote control or the right side door. After this time, standby mode cannot be stopped.
During the standby phase (approximately 1 minute), the indicator light on the front panel starts flashing orange.
The state of real standby is only effective when this indicator light changes to red.
In order to prolong the lamp's working life, do not interrupt the standby procedure,
NEVER switch off your appliance using the mains switch or disconnect the wall plug
unless the front panel LED is red.
If you want to switch on your television set again, wait at least 10 seconds before pres-
sing the switch on the left.
Switch the appliance on by pressing the ON/OFF switch on the left of your appliance
(See § 16.1).
Setting up your remote control:
Open the battery compartment cover and insert the two R6-1.5V type batteries.
Make sure that the batteries are installed correctly.
Do not use batteries of different types or rechargeable batteries.
Switching on your SAGEM AXIUM™ Home Cinema Screen:
Press the standby button on the remote control or right side door.
NB: The on/off indicator light located on the front panel of your SAGEM AXIUM™ Home Cinema Screen
flashes orange whilst the lamp is warming up, then goes out when the lamp is functioning.
When you set up your SAGEM AXIUM™ Home Cinema Screen for the first time, you can take advantage of a
rapid installation procedure after this warm-up phase (see chapter 3).
Connecting other audio/video or computer appliances is covered in chapter 7. Before looking at this, proceed to
the rapid installation.
Anglais LU 45 A5.qxd 06/10/2004 10:25 Page 5

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